Can Julia’s Tax Prevent Droughts And Floods?


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Can Julia’s Tax Prevent Droughts And Floods?

  1. Andy DC says:

    There have been few floods or droughts under Julia’s administration. There is no doubt that she and her paramour Obama have healed the planet with their supernatural powers. Although somehow super duper CAT .8 Sandy somehow slipped thru the cracks.

  2. Rosco says:

    There will be no freedom of information under any government I lead.

    There will be no debate under any government I lead.

    There will be equality under any government I lead.

    There will be no carbon tax under any government I lead.

    Unfortunately only the last one was a lie !

  3. Andy OZ says:

    Steve, you’re cherry picking a 75 year period in Australia’s climate record …………. hang on, the AGW morons are cherry picking a 40 year satellite period in the global record and massively adjusting all the data.

    Forget I mentioned cherries…..

    : )

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