Climate Refugee Moves To Michigan

I was listening to NPR again last night, and they were interviewing a crying hysterical woman who had moved to northern Michigan so that her children could see snow once in a while.

That was silly – she could have moved to California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico or Texas.

ScreenHunter_363 Dec. 28 05.35

Intellicast – Snow Cover in United States

ScreenHunter_363 Dec. 28 05.30

ScreenHunter_363 Dec. 28 05.29

Short-Term Climate Outlooks

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Climate Refugee Moves To Michigan

  1. Glacierman says:

    Where did she move from?

  2. Ed Caryl says:

    I have a house for sale. (Those aqua dots in south ventral New Mexico.) But our Christmas snowfall has largely evaporated.

  3. Lance says:

    She could move to England, where snow, that was a thing of the past is now the present..

  4. “I was listening to NPR again last night…”

    Well, there’s your problem.

    • daveburton says:

      The main good thing about NPR is the bumper music… and Car Talk, but that’s about to end. Once or twice a year I tune in and am reminded again why nobody should ever trust anything they hear on All Things Distorted.

  5. Andy DC says:

    You can plainly see that the lack of Arctic ice during last August (due to a freak blizzard) has made a HUGE difference (sarc).

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