Coal Death Trains In Your Life

You are the reason that coal death trains exist. If everyone would simply agree to starving and freezing to death in the dark, there would be no reason for coal death trains.

James Hansen’s grandchildren would no doubt lead a much happier and safer life without fossil fuels. Who wants to eat and stay warm anyway?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Coal Death Trains In Your Life

  1. johnmcguire says:

    Thank God for coal trains that bring heat and light to our homes . One of my joys in life is firing up my coal powered forge and making items from pieces of steel . It really gets the creative juices flowing and provides much satisfaction when I turn out tools or decorative items . Steven , I appreciate your humor and your common sense .

  2. miked1947 says:

    I have no problem with Hansen and his minions leading the way in this! I think every one of the Chicken Little Brigade and their followers should take the first step towards ridding the world of excess carbon being released into the atmosphere. A weeks vacation at the North Pole without hydrocarbon fuel or any substance that contains carbon would do the “Trick”!
    Go ahead David and lead by example! We will be watching your every move!

  3. Andrew says:

    Not to make light of this but it just happened to be a coal train, and the bridge was old and shoddy.
    And, there just happened to be a car going under when it happened on July 4, 2012.

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