CSM Wants Rush Limbaugh To Speak Out Against Climate Change

The Christian Science Monitor | Dec 04, 2012

If the United Nations, Al Gore, and hurricane Sandy can’t convince skeptics of the threats of global warming, then who can?

Perhaps the Terminator.

Showtime network has unveiled plans for a six- to eight-part documentary miniseries to air next year, called “Years of Living Dangerously,” brimming with Hollywood’s A-list – from producer James Cameron to narrators Matt Damon, Don Cheadle, and Alec Baldwin.

It’s an impressive roster, but there’s something missing, some say.

“Imagine what it would be like in terms of substantive impact if the head of Exxon or the corn lobby were involved. Or Rush Limbaugh. Or [Republican] Sens. [Mitch] McConnell and [Lindsey] Graham,” says Len Shyles, professor of communication at Villanova University. “Then you’d have something.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s new crusade: Global warming, climate change | Alaska Dispatch


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to CSM Wants Rush Limbaugh To Speak Out Against Climate Change

  1. The head of the corn lobby? WTF? It’s sillier to think that anyone who can’t vote for corn subsidies would know or care who this person is than that Rush would do a 180 after 20 years.

  2. I have been calling them the Insane Left. Now they are also the Obscene Left. (As in, their devotion to the Big Lie, in everything they put before the public, is obscene.)

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