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Ehrlich : No Reason For Blacks To Worry About Saving The Planet
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Does this mean that blacks are beginning to get a clue? In cities like NY more black babies are aborted than are born.
For everyone interested in the history of Ehrlich’s BS, I recommend the book “Future Babble – Why Expert Predictions Fail – and Why We Believe Them Anyway”.
Much of this excellent book is about Ehrlich, what predictions he has made, how they all went wrong but how he genuinely seems to think his predictions have been mostly correct. It presents numerous studies on human intelligence to explain how this is possible.
The book divides experts into two categories: hedgehogs and foxes. Foxes “know many things” and can live comfortably in uncertainty. Hedgehogs “know one big thing” and psychologically need an overarching theory to explain everything. Foxes say something might happen, hedgehogs say something will happen.
Foxes usually improve their predictions when they gain more knowledge – as expected. Hedgehogs on the other hand use their knowledge to create complex ad-hoc theories to prove to themselves and to everybody else that their overarching theory is actually correct, even if all evidence would suggest it is not. This usually results them being even more wrong as their knowledge accumulates.
The sad thing is that hedgehogs – like Ehrlich – make great soundbites. When the media needs someone to make predictions, it doesn’t want someone who says something might happen. It wants someone who sounds like they can see the future and have the confidence to ridicule anyone who doesn’t see the future as certain.
Although the book tries it’s best to avoid references to CAGW-hysteria, it might as well be written about it.
Margaret. Sanger.
She was EVIL!
A crack, between two factions of the radical-activist insane Left: Black Americans (particularly, those suborned by Muslims) and Environmentalists. The insanity is inherently selfish, inherently divisive, inherently unsustainable over more than a very few generations. (Somebody recently wrote that a socialist state can only be sustained for about 70 years, before it falls apart.)
Ehrlich is to science what Bernie Madoff is to finance.
That quote well illustrates Ehrich’s far left bent. His basic reasoning here seems to be that life isn’t worth living unless one controls the “means of production” as our Marxist friends would say.
This quote also has a little “Lebensunwertes Leben” flavor to it, which hints at the leftist nature of Naziism.
Hannuko, I’ve sparred a bit with Dan Gardner in our local paper over AGW and for all his good sense he still sides with the warmists. I can’t understand how someone as smart as him can buy into the nonsense. In everything he writes about he deals with data and facts but this one somehow eludes him.