Fairbanks Maximum Temperatures Have Not Made It Up To The Normal Minimum This Month

The canary is just resting, waiting for the missing heat to come to the surface.

ScreenHunter_150 Dec. 05 10.53ScreenHunter_150 Dec. 05 10.52

History | Weather Underground

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Fairbanks Maximum Temperatures Have Not Made It Up To The Normal Minimum This Month

  1. Andy DC says:

    Children in Fairbanks aren’t going to know what not shivering is.

  2. Chewer says:

    In the mid years of our just completed 70 year cycle, normal is where our temperature is now.
    The major Alaskan rivers are way ahead of normal freeze up times and no ones panicking…
    The ponds and small lakes have been frozen-over since Octoberrr.

    • F. Guimaraes says:

      Normal is what IPCC says and, don’t forget, all this is happening because our planet is warming… very fast… but the facts say that we’re entering a new solar grand minimum, it’s just starting but the effects are all over the world already.

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