Global Warming Destroys Alaska First On 12/21/2012

Permafrost is melting and bubbling huge amounts of climate destroying methane into the atmosphere.

ScreenHunter_14 Dec. 21 09.29

Weather Forecast – USA, US – Local & Long Range | Weather Underground

Fort Yukon is averaging -33C this month, with an maximum temperature of -19C for the month.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Global Warming Destroys Alaska First On 12/21/2012

  1. [rotten Steve, how dare you show temperature charts from the region. You nasty person!]

    Folks, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, gather ’round over here, I have an important headline for you to read, and it’s from the Associated Pres, so remember, if it is in the AP, it must be true: “Arctic sea ice melting faster than expected”

  2. Eric Simpson says:

    That’s cold as hell in Fairbanks. Cut back on CO2 to make it hotter. Makes total sense.

  3. miked1947 says:

    You could have enjoyed the gorgeous weather in Fairbanks, instead of Suffering in Mexico 😉

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