Global Warming Skiing Devastation Continues

ScreenHunter_154 Dec. 17 13.13

Winter Storm Draco – 2012 | Weather Underground

During snowy weeks, we are told that the snow is due to global warming. During non-snowy weeks we are told that skiing is doomed because of global warming is keeping it from snowing.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Global Warming Skiing Devastation Continues

  1. Baa Humbug says:

    OT one for Steve.
    Bumper crop can’t stop worker exit

    by: Mark Schliebs
    From: The Australian
    December 18, 2012 12:00AM

    THE biggest summer crop harvest in two decades has followed a bumper wheat crop, driving agricultural exports to a record $36.4 billion.

    The 14.5 per cent rise in export earnings came on the back of cereal grains exports that jumped from $7.4bn to $9.6bn last year.
    Login to read the rest of this article

  2. Andy DC says:

    There is storm after storm coming in on the California coast. With plenty of available Arctic air, should produce plenty of snow over much of the US. We will soon have Global Weirding pulled out of the mothballs.

  3. “Today’s computer-simulated climate models, the foundation of all UN climate negotiations, represent the “almost complete disregard for reality,” says Werner Krauss, from the Helmholtz Geesthacht Center for Materials and Coastal Research. “A world is being saved that only exists as a model.”

  4. Another Ian says:

    Opps – meant thread below but you’ll get the gist.

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