Gun Control Will Stop Knife Attacks

On the same day as the Newtown shooting, a crazed man broke into a school building in central China, stabbing and slashing 23 pupils. State media barely reported on the attack.

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As U.S. debates gun laws after Sandy Hook, China searches its own soul after elementary school knife attack is ignored by state media – NY Daily News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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27 Responses to Gun Control Will Stop Knife Attacks

  1. Andy DC says:

    Gun control will not prevent squat in the US with 300 millions guns in this country. But obviously the China situation would have been much worse if the guy had a machine gun.

  2. LLAP says:

    @gwlear: I’m sure you are aware that Dylan Klebold (Columbine) was lobbying against carry and conceal permits, including writing letters to elected officials. The day the Colorado legislature was set to vote on a bill that would make carry and conceal legal in Colorado was the day he and Eric Harris carried out the Columbine massacre:

  3. Josualdo says:

    A screwdriver is enough.

  4. johnmcguire says:

    Carry the means to defend yourself , otherwise you are a victim waiting to happen. And gun contol will stop knife attacks if you shoot quickly and hit what you shoot at . One of the facts taught in the concealed carry class I attended years ago was that a knife wielding opponent can cover twenty feet in the time it takes to pull the trigger so even though the gunman can prevail you should keep in mind that you can get cut before it is all over . So shoot straight and as quick as you can and keep in mind it is better to have a cut or slash on your arm or leg rather than your torso or head .

  5. Latitude says:

    because sometimes waving a restraining order… just not enough

  6. ralphcramdo says:

    I suppose Obama has borrowed so much money the Chinese think they own the U.S. now.

    Chinese State Media Demands US Citizens Be Disarmed

    The official Chinese government news agency, Xinhua, has demanded the US immediately adopt stricter gun control measures to reduce the number of firearms the US populace is permitted to possess.

    The Chinese state-controlled media’s statement, titled “Innocent Blood Demands No Delay for US Gun Control,” is primarily focused on the Newtown tragedy in which 26 Americans were killed by a mad gunman. Twenty of the victims were young children.

    The Chinese government stated, “Their blood and tears demand no delay for the U.S. gun control.”

    In an apparent effort to restrict information to their populace, the Chinese government wrote of a number of US mass shootings but failed to mention they were either stopped by a citizen legally carrying a firearm or otherwise only occurred in the controversial gun-free zones that critics say make prime targets for madmen.

    The Chinese government states:

    The past six months have seen enough shooting rampages in the United States. Just three days ago, three people were shot dead at a shopping mall in Oregon. Two weeks ago, a football player shot his girlfriend dead and then committed suicide. Five months ago, 12 people were killed and 58 wounded in a shooting spree at a midnight screening of a Batman film in Colorado.

    The government went on to express a strong dislike of the National Rifle Association while also attacking the Republican Party as somehow complicit in the violence. Conversely, the article heaps praise on the Democratic Party:

    The Clinton government launched a series of gun control policies at the end of last century. And the Democrats lost the Congressional election in 1994 and the presidential election in 2000, with the shadow of the NRA present in both defeats.

    The current Chinese government, the communist People’s Republic of China, was established in a revolution led by Mao Zedong, who killed an estimated 40-70 million people with starvation, executions, and re-education camps.

  7. We live in a society that glorifies materialism, sex, and violence. People more and more think like selfish, detached, isolated animals who have little concern or mercy for other human beings. They are vicious, cruel, and amoral. All it takes is something to push that nihilistic person over the edge, and tragedy will ensue.

    Gun control is a vain and shallow distraction from the real problem. What people’s lives need is more spirituality, meaning, and respect. A conscious is a better safety net than gun control.

    (Note: spirituality for me does not imply religion. I am an atheist, but I also don’t own any guns, and I have no plans on purchasing any.)

  8. Pathway says:

    Back up on background checks up to 8500 in Colorado.

  9. physicist says:

    America is truly exceptional. Between now and tomorrow 8 children and teens will die by gun violence. Whose kids will win that lottery?

    • sunsettommy says:

      Only a moron like you fail to notice that ALL of the mass killings were done by mentally defective and/or drugged people.

      Not a single NRA member in the last 100 years have committed mass murders,not a single one!

      Not only are you that comcally ignorant but you wil support the usual semi-automatic banning and gun grabs,thinking this will magically end the mass murders when actually it does nothing of the kind!

      It is ALWAYS the bad people who cause the crimes and that is something that never bothers one of your leftist propaganda soaked brain cells of yours.Not only that it seems to happen mostly in GUN FREE ZONES where the bad people know they will not be stopped right away.

      Dont you ever get tired of being ignorant and wrong?

      • physicist says:

        Guns don’t kill people. PEOPLE kill people.
        No shit, Sherlock.
        I want mandatory gun safety courses FOR ALL PEOPLE who own guns, not guns.
        I want mandatory gun safety refresher courses every five years FOR ALL PEOPLE who own guns, not guns.
        I want a thorough background check on 100% OF ALL PEOPLE who buy guns, not guns.
        I want a mandatory waiting period on 100% OF ALL PEOPLE who buy guns, not guns.
        I want a mandatory gun owner’s license FOR ALL PEOPLE who own guns, not guns.
        I want strict gun negligence penalties ON ALL PEOPLE who own guns, not guns.
        I want a mandatory gun owner’s insurance FOR ALL PEOPLE who own guns, not guns.

        If you’re too stupid enough to think I am pissed at guns, you’re too stupid to own one. AND OUGHT TO RIDE OFF INTO THE SUNSET.

      • leftinbrooklyn says:

        That’s great, phys…for the law-abiding. Now, if we could just get the criminals to go along with your delusional, non-existent ‘mandatory.’

        No law has ever, or will ever, stop a crime. People’s choices on whether to abide by a law do that. Thinking the answer is to further punish the law-abiding because of the actions of the criminal, is my definition of ‘stupid.’

  10. physicist says:

    American is truly exceptional. A white American terrorist kills 20 american kids, and we get all bent out of shape. American drones kill hundreds of Pakistanis children and we say ‘who gives a shit’.

    • sunsettommy says:

      Physicist is truly exceptional.A homo sapiens failure who kills 20 brain cells,and destroy sane readers desire to believe him.Physicist drones on with irrational pseudoscientific babbling and we say what a bore!

  11. sunsettommy says:


    I see that someone comically named Physicist went wild with a rant that exposes his ignorance on what the NRA has been advocating for years.

    The NRA is under attack by the usual leftist dirtbags and the media who have made the issue emotionally politicized for little children like you to slirp up.They are attacking the law abiding people and organizations and willfully ignoring the real problem of the few who have no regard for the law.They do not care about the solution as they make clear on the propagandic attacks against the NRA which has been for a long time advocating responsible firearm ownership.

    The rant in quotes and my rational reply:

    “I want mandatory gun safety courses FOR ALL PEOPLE who own guns, not guns.”

    The NRA for years have advocated and have hosted gun safety courses.

    “I want mandatory gun safety refresher courses every five years FOR ALL PEOPLE who own
    guns, not guns.”

    The NRA has for years advocated responsible education on handling and using firearms in a safe manner and they back it up with firearm safety classes.

    “I want a thorough background check on 100% OF ALL PEOPLE who buy guns, not guns.”

    The NRA has for many years advocated a COMPUTERIZED background check,but the government have been slow to implement it because they are listening to morons who want to ban them instead.

    “I want a mandatory waiting period on 100% OF ALL PEOPLE who buy guns, not guns.”

    The NRA have consistently advocated for years a waiting period long enough for a FULL background check.

    “I want a mandatory gun owner’s license FOR ALL PEOPLE who own guns, not guns.”

    The waiting period and background check is to weed out the few who are unqualified to own a gun such as convicted felons and mentally ill people and that is all.The people have the protected right to own a firearm that can not be blocked because of the Second Amendment.

    The people who pass the background check and therefore legally purchased a firearm has no need for a “license” at all.It is only for gun haters like you who thinks this will magically prevent the Adams of the world not to steal the firearms and murder people on his way to hell.

    “I want strict gun negligence penalties ON ALL PEOPLE who own guns, not guns.”

    They have existed for many years already,it is called murder,assault and more.

    “I want a mandatory gun owner’s insurance FOR ALL PEOPLE who own guns, not guns.”

    This is silly because only criminal and idiots who handle a gun in a careless manner are the problem.The responsible firearm owners would cause no damage to others that needs such insurance.

    You talk like a leftist who have an irrational fear of firearms and want to beat it over the heads the responsible gun owners who are not the problem.It is the few who are the problem but you and your sick camp never seem to see the obvious and just zero on to gun bans instead which has been done many times already and yet the occasional rampage continues.

    Mandatory anything is meaningless to people who have no respect for responsible firearm ownership which is for hunting,target shooting and self defense.

    When are you ever going to start thinking rationally on this topic?

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