How Long Before Baja California Drowns?

I am back from surveying the effects of global warming on Baja California. I left no stone unturned – having surveyed ocean warming by jet ski, coastal devastation by para-sail  and ice conditions in my margaritas. I also did an informal but detailed survey of how global warming is affecting bikinied bodies.

As I departed, it made me sad to think that man-made sea level rise was going to destroy the beaches of Cabo San Lucas. Based on University of Colorado satellite data, I have determined that Cabo will drown in only infinity years.

ScreenHunter_356 Dec. 23 22.05

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to How Long Before Baja California Drowns?

  1. Ivan says:

    Any pictures of the bikinied bodies – so that we can make our own assessment, of course?

  2. bkivey says:

    Were the Margarita levels increasing, decreasing, or steady due to global warming, or did you deny that any change was taking place? Did you consider alternate theories for Margarita-level changes?

  3. tckev says:

    Sounds like you are having as much fun as the old hippie that was giggling on beach while blowing smoke at all the sea birds.
    He left no tern unstoned!

  4. spangled drongo says:

    Steve, I have been watching the tide roll in at my local area in Moreton Bay, eastern Australia, over the last ~70 years and easily observed benchmarks like king tides covering lawns in those days are very obviously lower today.

    No SLR, accelerating or otherwise.

    Thanks for a great website and all the best for Christmas and the new year.

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