Journal News Employees Map

The Journal News published a map of all legal gun owners in the New York area, in a bold attempt to assist murderers, rapists and thieves.

A new map is available online to locate all Journal News employees. Unfortunately for them, it is almost impossible to obtain a gun now.

ScreenHunter_361 Dec. 27 11.55

ScreenHunter_361 Dec. 27 11.48

Journal News Employees – Google Maps

Excellent work done by

Ha! Where are the Journal News reporters in YOUR neighborhood? | For What It’s Worth

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Journal News Employees Map

  1. NikFromNYC says:

    Their visual editor is four blocks from me in Manhattan. He makes stained glass windows:

  2. savebyj says:

    What complete jackasses.

  3. Bill Gannon says:

    The term “Pay Backs Are a Bytch” comes to mind.

  4. Brian says:

    Someone else on another board said that some of the gun owners are probably retired policemen and maybe even battered women. People really need to start thinking about the consequences of their actions.

  5. Rob J says:

    Brilliant idea. Kudos to whoever thought of turning the tables on these left-wing idiots. As long as clueless morons are being outed can we put Davy Apple’s address on that map too?

  6. Bloke down the pub says:

    How many appeared on both lists?

  7. scott says:

    they have nice houses

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