John Kerry To Save The Planet!

The LA Times says that Kerry will be useless at everything, except possibly tackling an imaginary problem which he couldn’t do anything about even if it was real.

December 28, 2012

Sen. John Kerry, President Obama’s nominee for secretary of State, may not be able to bring peace to the Middle East, end enduring trade and currency disputes with China or mend fences with all the anti-American leaders in Latin America. But he may be capable of redirecting the debate over an issue of equal or greater importance: climate change.

Kerry is among the most forward-thinking members of the U.S. Senate when it comes to understanding both the threats of and the practical responses to global warming. He’s struggled to bring along the Senate, which rejected his attempt to win passage of a cap-and-trade bill in 2010, but Kerry’s new post should give him expanded opportunities to lead.

Climate change could keep Kerry busy –

John Kerry lives a filthy rich lifestyle, and wants the rest of us to make sacrifices and give up our freedom, cars and vacations.

WASHINGTON – From a sailing mecca to a ski resort, presumptive Democrat nominee John Kerry and his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, enjoy the trappings of their wealth in at least five homes and vacation getaways across the country valued at nearly $33 million.

The Many Mansions of John and Teresa Kerry

Liberals love him because he is a total scumbag, hypocrite and liar. He spends a few days every couple of years at this home in Idaho.

ScreenHunter_363 Dec. 28 07.52

If Congress had any self-respect they would investigate him for fraud, not confirm him to be secretary of state.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to John Kerry To Save The Planet!

  1. johnmcguire says:

    I figured out long ago that congress is pretty much useless in most areas of importance . They have great power but they are so corrupted by their own selfish desires that they never do anything for the good of the nation . What was that paper we used to have that claimed to be the supreme law of the land ? kerry is a scumbag and will very likely always be a scumbag . Anyone of the people I know in the small town near where I live would be a better choice than kerry for any government position , but they have real character and integrity so obama would not appoint them to his administration . The corruption and evil around and including obama is mindboggling .

  2. Andy DC says:

    Kerry is an arrogant snot who could not defeat one of the worst Presidents of all time. Tried to portray himself as a patriotic war hero after throwing his medals away in protest. Can’t have it both ways. What a jerk.

  3. peterh says:

    If Congress had any self-respect they would investigate him for fraud, not confirm him to be secretary of state.

    Uh, that applies to virtually every elected, appointed, or hired member of the Federal Government. And probably state government. And….

  4. However hypocrites are still preferable to fanatics.

  5. Steve Tabor says:

    Perhaps I’m missing something, but I thought the Secretary of State’s job was to be the representative of the nation in relations with foreign countries. At least up until this point the main force of the GW thing has been domestic — how to get the US population to go along with domestic controls on “greenhouse gas pollution”. Precisely at the time when US power to do anything about CO2 levels in foreign relations is at its lowest ebb, they’re talking about having the Secretary of State become a player in that arena. Our economic rivals — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — don’t give a rat’s ass what the US thinks about CO2. What a bizarre situation.

  6. Ivan says:

    Good news.
    One less complete & utter fruit-cake in the Senate.

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