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3. I don’t care about soccer
What’s the MLS?
It is the league where Beckham, Keane and Henry play! At least for one more game.
4. I like soccer, but don’t care about American soccer
I guessed I’d like soccer better if it was rugby. 🙂
7. Since Lance Armstrong, I don’t trust any of them not to be on steroids, or something just as bad.
I say let them be on steriods, if it works fer them and that’s their decision. It just sucks to be them later in life.
And add that * by their name with the note of their enhansment, err maybe enhansenment! 😆
😆 wrong vid!
Soccer is not a sport where steroids would be of any benefit.
Yeah, it wouldn’t give a player more speed and endurance above the rest.
Hey Toshinmack if yer out there????? See… Do ya, Do ya, Do ya…. 😆
In reality thar Toshinmack, I really don’t give a shite what ya think! 😆 If it makes ya feel any better.
This is true. Steroids are only found in sports that require strength, stamina, and the ability to recover quickly. Soccer is not exactly a demanding sport which is why it is so ubiquitous around the world. Everyone can play! The only performance enhancers you need are a Cliff bar and a small Evian.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
Oh really? Which one is it then? Why exactly wouldn’t soccer players benefit from steroids, or HGH, or Adderal even? Why do you think major league pitchers used them? To recover from the effort of throwing a ball 200 times in a day. Is a soccer players schedule so easy they always have time to recover? It appears they do a tremendous amount of sprinting back and forth. Ben Johnson sure seemed to like steroids for sprinting. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Either they’re professional athletes who would benefit from juicing or they’re just a bunch of pussies running around in their underwear.
Which is it? 🙂
I have had the fortune or misforturne of living my relatively long life in basically the same place. So, I recently came upon an old field, which had served as my very own field of dreams during my youth, where momories still linger from my would be glory days playing baseball and football. It was one of those perfect fall days, clear, crisp and invigorating. As I drove by the field, there was no lack of activity. In fact a huge number of kids, all kicking a ball around in a seemingly meaningless fashion. So what was wrong? What was wrong was that I could remember during fall days like that, me and my buddies and me were out every afternoon on the very same field, playing “two hand touch” football, sometimes even tackle.
I have nothing against soccer, even had fun playing it as a kid, but for me, there was nothing to compare with the feeling of throwing a perfect spiral to a sprinting receiver, or making an over the head catch while running straight out at full speed. Or simply the fun of chasing or being chased down.
I have seen this scene repeated at park after park, field after field. I wouldn’t be unhappy if both sports were being played, but it is obvious the soccer in rapidly becoming the dominent sport, the only sport.
It is hard, however, to not feel a bit alieated and a bit sad about the loss of yet another piece of Americana.
I was big on football until I moved to England at age 12. American football is not the game it used to be, and is dominated by people who barely resemble human beings. The Super Bowl takes four hours, and less than 5% of that time is action. Soccer is a much healthier game, and it never stops. You know exactly how long the game will last, and the action is continuous.
American football has been dying for decades and soccer is indeed the world’s game. Viva la soccer. It is a great sport.
It’s a peice of art in all sports if you are into it.
I grew up loving american football. Played almost every day regardless of rain/snow/etc. It’s a great game, but what the NFL has become isn’t terribly appealing to me. *WAY* too much money in it. That causes problems with players health / steroids / gambling / owners / you name it. 99% of the people are in it for the money and it is no longer a sport. That’s a problem with soccer as well, but I don’t think to the degree that the NFL is experiencing.
I can’t bring myself to stop watching my team (Vikings), but I’ll be damned if I’m going to pay $200 some bucks for nfl sunday ticket, or spend a small fortune going to a game. The marketers/financiers/gamblers have ruined what was once a great league.
I respect soccer and wish it well, don’t deny its benefits. I also realize the pro football has become almost unwatchable and is unattainable from most kids. But it’s the fun of playing the sport recreationally that kids growing up today are missing. Same with baseball.
3. Love your brilliant mind Steven but we part company here. I just don’t get paying to watch grown men jog for two hours.