New York Times Skiing Forecast

Two days ago the geniuses at the New York Times made this forecast.

In the Rockies, where early conditions have also been spotty, average winter temperatures are expected to rise as much as 7 degrees by the end of the century. Park City, Utah, could lose all of its snowpack by then. In Aspen, Colo., the snowpack could be confined to the top quarter of the mountain. So far this season, several ski resorts in Colorado have been forced to push back their opening dates.

Climate Change Threatens Ski Industry’s Livelihood –

Here is how things like today in Utah and Colorado

ScreenHunter_154 Dec. 14 13.14


ScreenHunter_154 Dec. 14 14.10

LIVE CAMS – Aspen/Snowmass

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to New York Times Skiing Forecast

  1. They need to live through several days of -17°F, 24+ inches of snow, Colorado blizzard conditions (as I once did, while living in my car in fact)…Come to think of it, they need to be FORCED to live through that. They would never believe in global warming again.

  2. Andy DC says:

    They continue to recycle the same warmed over drivel regardless of the facts!

  3. Better luck next year…

  4. janef20 says:

    I wrote the NYT author a scathing letter of rebuke.

    As a teacher I am struggling to absorb today’s shooting incident. I find Real Science to be a shelter in the storm.

    Our journalists, and journalists in Australia, Britain, Germany and every other “free” society all have alarmingly similar agendas that speed the breakdown of their own cultures. This is not drivel. It is treason.

    Thank you, Steven Goddard, for your website. You make a difference.

  5. gator69 says:

    “…temperatures are expected to rise as much as 7 degrees by the end of the century.”

    Who exactly “expects” this?

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