No Common Sense Permitted By Liberals

The NRA proposes that we protect our schools the same way we protect our homes, banks and neighborhoods – and lefties go nuts

ScreenHunter_22 Dec. 22 06.47

“Before Congress reconvenes, before we engage in any lengthy debate over legislation, regulation or anything else; as soon as our kids return to school after the holiday break, we need to have every single school in America immediately deploy a protection program proven to work,” LaPierre said. “And by that I mean armed security.”

He said Congress should immediately appropriate funds to post an armed police officer in every school. Meanwhile, he said the NRA would develop a school emergency response program that would include volunteers from the group’s 4.3 million members to help guard children.

His armed-officers idea was immediately lambasted by gun control advocates

NRA calls for armed police officer in every school –

Gun control advocates are thrilled by school massacres in the same way that climate alarmists were thrilled about Sandy,  and the last thing they want to see is an end to them. They couldn’t care less about protecting children – it is all about having excuses to take away other people’s rights.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to No Common Sense Permitted By Liberals

  1. ralphcramdo says:

    “New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the NRA is blaming everyone but itself for a national gun crisis and is offering “a paranoid, dystopian vision of a more dangerous and violent America where everyone is armed and no place is safe.”

    Everyone in New York City is safe and unarmed. That’s why Bloomberg has armed guards.

  2. There is never a gun at hand when you need it. But the quicker you can get to one when you do need it, the better. So I would suggest not just one or two obviously armed guards, but the principal and as many teachers as possible well-trained to shoot, and with access to the nearest “Fire closet” (locations known only to those trained personnel). And of course, before even thinking about such plans, I would encourage the country to get rid of the Insane Left, with which it is now at war whether it knows it or not.

  3. gator69 says:

    Record numbers of unemployed combat vets, and unguarded schools across the country. How do you solve such massive problems?

  4. scizzorbill says:

    “lefties go nuts”. Actually, to be a leftie, you already are nuts. Of course a leftee can always have bouts of over the top, schizoidal, outbursts. This is natural behavior for these mentally challenged defectoids. Leftoids home base is the emotions. Reason, logic, and common sense–not so much.

  5. Tom Harley says:

    Aren’t they the same, climate nuts and gun control nuts?

  6. Blade says:

    “Gun control advocates are thrilled by school massacres in the same way that climate alarmists were thrilled about Sandy, and the last thing they want to see is an end to them. They couldn’t care less about protecting children – it is all about having excuses to take away other people’s rights.”

    Steve, that is by far the best, most accurate, and gutsy comment I’ve seen so far. The (R)epublicrats are panty-wearing cowards completely oblivious to the enemies mostly wearing the (D)ummycart label. Even self-described (C)onservatives and our so-called allies in the media and talk radio cannot be counted on these days. They need to stop bringing knives to a gunfight.

    The domestic enemies of the USA will stop at nothing. They will use dead kids and hurricanes, in fact they will use everything to get their way. Our allies, and ourselves, must take the kid gloves off and call the what they are … traitors and enemies of the Constitution and the USA itself.

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