Obama Keeps His California Campaign Promise

Obama promised to bankrupt the coal industry, and he has succeeded.

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — Weakening demand for coal has prompted Canadian Pacific Railway Co. to mothball plans to extend its Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad network into the Powder River Basin to ship Wyoming coal to power plants in other states, the company announced Monday.

The DM&E project had been controversial from its inception. The Sierra Club and other groups have pushed to try to block federal coal leases in the Powder River Basin on the grounds that burning coal mined there would contribute to global warming.

Railroad mothballing Powder River Basin extension – Business, Government Legal News from throughout WV

When Obama is in California, he promises to bankrupt coal – but when he is in Pennsylvania, Ohio or West Virginia he says that he is a huge fan of coal.

The Obama campaign motto is “51% of Americans are idiots, as is the entire press corpse


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Obama Keeps His California Campaign Promise

  1. gator69 says:

    Among that 51%, you can count those that sat this one out. What could they possibly have been thinking?

  2. lance says:

    CPR today just announced its laying off 450 employee’s…(used to work there…thankfully no longer..)

  3. PaddikJ says:

    Umm, not sure, but I think the biggest reason for declining coal demand is fracking – lots of generating plants switching to natural gas.

    Of course those dumb environmentalists hate fracking too; if someone figured out a way to power the entire world on sunbeams, they’d quickly find some reason to hate that as well.

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