Obama Working To Bankrupt The Country In A Vain Effort To Stop An Imaginary Problem

But many in the energy industry are concerned the Obama administration, fresh off a re-election win, will go too far with a radical environmental strategy that will have a negative impact on U.S. businesses and consumers – not just through the U.N., but executive edict.

“They brought hundreds of millions of dollars into his re-election campaign,” said Michael Whatley, vice president of the Consumer Energy Alliance. He believes the president delayed consideration of the Canada-to-Texas Keystone XL Pipeline because he couldn’t afford to lose allies in the environmental sector, and may now feel pressure to deliver to those groups. Indeed, on the night of his re-election, Obama vowed the U.S. would be a leader in combating a “warming planet.”

Inhofe sent a scathing recorded message to the U.N. gathering in Doha, chastising the administration for “quietly handing over billions of dollars to the United Nations in the name of global warming” as Washington runs up against a fiscal crisis.

But environmental groups say the president is simply doing his job. Bob Deans, of the Natural Resources Defense Council, said they’ve found a partner in Obama.

“Obama understands that increased drought, record heat, wildfires, storms like Sandy … are threats we need to do something about,” he said.

Energy industry concerned Obama could pursue end-run on climate change rules | Fox News

Drought is declining, heat is not at a record, wildfires are at a 20 year low, and major hurricanes are at an all time low.

Even if NRDC’s claims were true, there isn’t anything Obama could do about it. Obama is wrecking the country’s future based on a belief system of America hating lunatics.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Obama Working To Bankrupt The Country In A Vain Effort To Stop An Imaginary Problem

  1. Sorry to be the first to tell you guys this, but the US is already bankrupt. The reason why you’re only just starting to notice, is that your creditors are still lending you money in the (probably hopeless) expectation that they will get some of it back.

  2. philjourdan says:

    You are wrong in one respect. He is not bankrupting the country in any effort. That is the excuse. He is bankrupting it because he hates it.

  3. roy says:

    Obama is a one man army against the usa.

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