Obama’s Christmas List

Obama says that you have been naughty – for having free will, being successful and for emitting CO2. He wants  :

  1. Your money
  2. Your guns
  3. Your car
  4. Your freedom
  5. Your health insurance
  6. Control of your thermostat
  7. Your Constitution
  8. You to shut up
  9. Control of your Internet
  10. You to stop asking questions
  11. You to behave like a mindless sheep

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Obama’s Christmas List

  1. Ivan says:

    He’s got #10 and #11 in the bag – the rest should be easy.

  2. R. de Haan says:

    No touch with reality at all: http://www.guardian.co.u…birth-date-planet-crisis

  3. Mike F. says:

    Like mindless sheep, 51% of Americans will gladly give them up!

  4. Marian says:

    At least it appears the UN control of the Internet has been voted down for now.
    Even the NZ Govt down this way also opposed it.

  5. Andy DC says:

    I think some crackdown on the Internet is inevitable. This site is a prime example of what the establishment does not want. Someone to expose their lies.

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