Since the dawn of evolutionary time, all mammalian parents have understood that their children are at risk from predators, often from their own species. A good parent provides their children with the defense they need.
What kind of foolish parent would intentionally place their child in a place where they have no protection, and then advertise that have no defense against predators?
That is very bright, to announce to the world that you are defenseless against an armed attack.
smart like tractor…
Would it be considered unsporting to put one of those on my door?
Stark – “Would it be considered unsporting to put one of those on my door?”
Of course it would be unsporting, you horrible person……after all, as they keep telling us, it’s not their fault, it’s because of those evil white males….
By working hard and trying to live a decent life, we shamed them and damaged their egos beyond repair. So, it really is our fault, we shouldn’t have made them feel like the worthless pieces of shit they are.
Not what he meant, he meant baiting them.
You know kind of like what the US soldiers did with the clips of their M1 Garands in WW2. PING!
Me – “…he meant baiting them.”
Umm, I know that – I thought I wrote that sarcastically enough…
If i was allowed to have a gun here, I would put up a similar sign.
Haha, it’s Poe’s Law, I guess.
Me – “it’s hard to tell today with the climate moochers out there.”
Me: I’ve never been so insulted in my life…….
(Groucho Marx? : You should get out more )
Yes. Imagine if the ‘lower’ species had this mindset throughout their evolution. That the never-ending battle between predator and prey didn’t materialize, with one or the other NOT countering the offensive advances with defensive ones, and visa-versa. Without the balance, both would have eaten and/or multiplied themselves to extinction. Would there be life on this planet?
Of course, the specifics vary within our own species, but the premise is clear throughout all: maintaining self-defense is critical.
Madmen shoot up a school or movie theater and Obama goes after the guns.
Madmen shoot up and overrun a US diplomatic facility and Obama goes after a movie.
Enough said.
Yeah, it says it all don’t it.
NUFF Said!
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