Sea Level Falling Around The US

ScreenHunter_330 Dec. 06 10.07 ScreenHunter_329 Dec. 06 10.07

MSL_Map_MERGED_Global_IB_RWT_NoGIA_Adjust.png (1403×781)

Most of the US has seen little or no sea level rise over the last 20 years. Sea level is declining across the entire west coast. Some areas off the east coast have seen sharp drops in sea level.

Experts say that sea level is rising very quickly in California, because they are either completely incompetent, or they are attempting to defraud the public to obtain money.

most of California expected to get sea levels a half foot higher by 2030, according a report released Friday.

West Coast Sea Level Rise: 6 Inches Expected In California By 2030, Report Finds

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Sea Level Falling Around The US

  1. Andy DC says:

    Fairy tales do not die easily. Especially when parroted daily by the useless idiots of the LSM.

  2. kbray in california says:

    If that East coast West coast imbalance continues, the entire continent is at risk of tipping over like Guam.

  3. Billy Liar says:

    Strange how the sea is piling up in mid-ocean. Also strange how there is a little dark red blob near Prince Charles Island off Baffin Island.

  4. Rosco says:

    Now that is a mistake – a prediction that people alive today will live long enough to verify – hell I might even make it.

    Must have meant 2130 not 2030.

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