South America Rules The Planet

Messi set the record for most goals in a year, while Falcao nets five in one match.

Meanwhile on the other side of the English Channel, Nasri scored the winning goal for the other Manchester team.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to South America Rules The Planet

  1. Me says:

    Hey Steven, Keep doing what you do too. Thanks!

  2. Stephen Richards says:

    Did you notice they scored the winner in “Fergie time” ?

  3. Piss poor refereeing again. United probably edged it, tho’ that third goal was a silly foul in the first place, and piss poor defending in the second place. Especially as Van Persie had been as anonymous as he has been all season.

    Ref made poor decisions which affected both sides … thus

    Rooney should have been booked for his second very early tackle, which replays showed him following thru’ with his knee into a City player’s thigh. United use this gambit often – lots of early tackles, whilst the ref is still being lenient. Of course, Rooney is also permit to abuse the ref foul-mouthedly whenever he fancies, he was long ago exempted from being punished for foul and abusive language.

    Both teams should have had pens – Kolo pushing Evans aside in the box, and Rooney’s holding one of our players back on the box for some seconds, hanging on to his shirt sleeve. United had a good goal disallowed for offside, and Yaya was through on goal when Atkinson blew for a foul by Rooney. So it could have been 3-2 to us, 3-3 or 2-3 as it ended. Plus points for us, we played some of our best football of the season, Mario – sadly – must have had his last chance, and six points is nothing compared to what we pulled back from last season.

    What does interest me is that for a club that professes that their game against Liverpool is the highlight of their season, they sure make a LOT of noise before all these derby games now that we are a match for them. Cue Fergie mind games, cue endless bollocks from United players in the week running up to the game. Yeah, we believe you, it’s just another game. As a City supporter of over 50 years, of which some 30+ have meant United humiliating us, I’ll take where we are now, with the odd defeat, as we are a match for them. Buying RvP may well win them the Prem, but there is a long way to go, and he has glass ankles – and I think we will buy in January. De Rossi and Falcao would do.

    Finally. The fucking pundits. One of them going on before the game saying he couldn’t understand why Milner wasn’t picked.

    Because he’s got a hammy, you cretin.

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