Every year Earth experiences hurricanes, floods and droughts – just as climate change experts predicted. This proves that man-made CO2 is leading the world to Armageddon.
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Recent Comments
- Tel on “Fascist Salute”
- Brian G Valentine on New Arctic Climate Discovered
- Brian G Valentine on Visitech.ai – Data Made Simple – Weather History
- arn on Airport Runways Cause Bad Weather
- Greg in NZ on Moving To Detroit To Escape Global Warming
- arn on New Arctic Climate Discovered
- Timo, not that one! on Airport Runways Cause Bad Weather
- Timo, not that one! on New Arctic Climate Discovered
- Bob Gutjahr on Visitech.ai – Data Made Simple – Weather History
- conrad ziefle on UN Is Upset
Noone listened? This guy is truly out to lunch! How many billions of dollars have we spent on this crap? How many regulations and taxes have come out of this lie?
What an uber schmuck!
McKibben is an uber-alarmist. Saying that governments are working to rectify the problem doesn’t sound as scary as “no-one listened”.
On the other hand, he could have said “governments are spending uber billions and taxing the crap out of you in a futile attempt to combat ‘climate change'”. Now that’s scary, and worse: it’s true.
Years ago, my family asked me about some weather events, since I had a weather background.
So, after much consideration, I gave them my forecast:
Tonight dark
Tomorrow Light
Temperatures are expected.
Boy did i nail it!!!
Has there ever been a time in history when someone wasn’t predicting weather catastrophe?
October 1889:
Mr. Charles Egeson, Meteorologist of the Sydney Observatory, who has for some time past been highly successful in forecasting weather changes, reports that the evidence that we are on the eve of a most inauspicious climatic change is to him overwhelming, and he predicts the recurrence of the terrible three years’ drought of 1827-29.”
For the last century or so one bunch of scientists predict warming while another simultaneously predict cooling. Then it either warms or cools. The bunch that got it right are heralded as geniuses.
Yep, in own pal reviewed circle jerk and give each other prizes and awards. 😆
It’s weird yeah?
If I wear a sign that says “The end of the world is coming” and walk around I’m considered a kook.
If I do a powerpoint with a few photos of melting glaciers and penguins on small icebergs, and say “The end of the world is coming”, the governments will shower me with research money and tax the crap out of everyone!!
“We are through the looking glass people!”
Hey Bill, did they nail the melting street lights? Or was that worse than they thought…
The fact that there will always be Hurricanes, Floods And Droughts is pretty much taken as a given.