US Press Censoring Information For Our Own Good

Like their predecessors at Soviet Pravda, the US press corpse won’t talk much about news events which differ from the official Democratic Party line. The last two winters have seen record cold and snow in much of the Northern Hemisphere, and the story goes almost completely unreported in the US. Washington understands that the ignorant American public can’t be trusted with facts.

Parts of Korea are having their snowiest December on record.

The KMA said yesterday’s snowfall in South Gyeongsang set a new record for December.

Korea – Heavy snowfall sets new record

Russian temperatures are -50C and the snow is five metres deep.

In Russia, Frigid Weather Claims Lives

As temperatures plummet to -50 Celsius in some parts of Russia, thousands have been evacuated from their homes in the country’s Far East and Siberia. More than 120 people have died from the severe cold — at least seven in the last 24 hours.

Meteorologists say the country is experiencing one of its coldest winters in decades.

In the Far East region of Magadan, 300 kilometers of roads remain blocked by heavy snow. Plows and machines can not reach those roads to clear them. In some places, snow is as much as five meters deep.

Russia – Snow is as much as 5 meters (16½ ft) deep – Plows and machines cannot reach roads to clear them – Coldest winter in decades

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to US Press Censoring Information For Our Own Good

  1. fridayjoefriday says:

    Will we around to witness the return of nine feet of snow a day, every day? If we are I wonder how the media would spin it. It’s just weather? On a lighter note, here’s a brief passage for the Mongolian new agency, wish this country’s media had the ball’s to print it.
    “The Environmental Information Center (EIC) of Mongolia reports that there have been severe snow storms in rural areas in the past few weeks which resulted in a large area – around 70 percent –
    being covered in snow. It seems that the situation will only get worse in the coming months. Even a zud (very cold winter) is a possibility – it is signified by at least one million dead livestock.”
    “Whatever that may come during this winter, let’s hope that we will not lose as many livestock as we did in the 2010 winter, when 8 million – 17 percent of the country’s entire livestock – died, as reported by the UN. The previous record of death in livestock was in 1944, when 7 million livestock died during the winter.”

    • johnmcguire says:

      Wow , those people live close to the land with little to buffer them from the effects of harsh weather . Here in the US we have built a society that is some what insulated against the ravages of weather . And the CAGW crowd is trying to destroy our insulation , with the help of those in power in the various administrations .

  2. Rosco says:

    Forget winter – have a look at these photos of Summer – July 13 2011 at Logan Pass

    Search the site for photos showing grass and wildflowers that are normal in June let alone July.

    This event should have been reported – snow drifts feet deep in July when the norm is no snow, grass and wildflowers.

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