Utah Skiing Devastation Update

Less than three weeks ago, NRDC told us that Utah skiing is doomed due to the horrors of global warming.

Every snow measurement station in Utah is now above normal snowpack.

STATE                                                      PERCENT OF Normal
  RIVER BASIN                                     Number   Snow Water  Accum
                                                 of Sites  Equivalent  Precip

  RAFT RIVER ...................................  1 of  2     118       120 
  BEAR RIVER ................................... 23 of 24     115       113 
  WEBER-OGDEN RIVERS ........................... 17 of 20     101       103 
  PROVO R.-UTAH LAKE-JORDAN R. ................. 15 of 17     122       102 
  TOOELE VALLEY-VERNON CREEK ...................  3 of  4     130       100 
  NORTHEASTERN UINTAHS .........................  7 of 10     106        97 
  DUCHESNE RIVER ............................... 13 of 13     132       105 
  PRICE-SAN RAFAEL .............................  7 of 10     116        99 
  DIRTY DEVIL ..................................  3 of  4     110        83 
  SOUTH EASTERN UTAH ...........................  3 of  5     103        91 
  UPPER SEVIER RIVER ........................... 14 of 17     114        93 
  SAN PITCH RIVER ..............................  5 of 11        *         *
  LOWER SEVIER RIVER ...........................  1 of  3        *         *
  BEAVER RIVER .................................  2 of  2     115       113 
  ESCALANTE RIVER ..............................  3 of  3     103        97 
  SOUTHWESTERN UTAH ............................ 10 of 12     150       112


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Utah Skiing Devastation Update

  1. Andy DC says:

    Kids in Utah won’t know what bare ground is!

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