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Daily Archives: February 18, 2013
NOAA Tide Gauges Show 0.7 mm/year Sea Level Rise
NOAA has 157 tide gauges around the world which have been active this century. The average rise rate has been 0.7 mm/year – which is less than one fourth of what the experts claim. tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/sltrends/MSL_global_trendtable.html However, it is in perfect … Continue reading
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Koch Brothers Caused Sandy!
Twitter / climatebrad: When is David Koch going to … I thought Obama was in control of the weather.
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GISS Chief Inspiring Terrorism
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nKlU55QjNk&feature=youtu.be] . DHS ignores this, and instead goes after returning war heroes and people who disagree with the President’s politics.
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Sea Level Tampering Smoking Gun
The Met Office conveniently provides data sets showing how sea level data has been tampered with over time. The graph below plots the difference between sea level plots generated in 1987 and 2006. Like with everything else the hockey team gets their … Continue reading
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Obama Vacation Weekend
Michelle cheered Dr. Benjamin Carson as he humiliated Barack last week, so Barack took off for the weekend with (Mr. Family Man) Tiger Woods, and banned any press or cameras. They are most likely researching what to do when their putter … Continue reading
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The Dangers Of Global Warming And Hot Weather
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Visualizing The Arctic Death Spiral
Arctic ice extent may be at its highest level in years now, but climate experts say that it will be ice free this summer. I plotted out the most likely trajectory below. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013’
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Energy Quiz
One of these energy sources produces a lot more energy than the other, is much more reliable and is much less damaging to the environment. Which one is it?
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Locutus Sends A Message
if Congress won’t act soon to protect future generations, I will. Full text of President Obama’s State of the Union address Resistance is futile. You will accept the climate scam and the collapse of your system of government. You are … Continue reading
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