Guardian : Tony Abbott To Wreck Australia’s Climate

Julia just fixed Australia’s climate, and Tony Abbott is going to wreck it again.

Australian climate outlook remains bleak with Tony Abbott out for revenge

Australian elections on 14 September threaten a rollback of years of climate change progress.

Australian climate outlook remains bleak with Tony Abbott out for revenge | Environment |

Abbott will be following a long tradition of white men wrecking Australia’s climate, going back two hundred years.

The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser  Wednesday 11 March 1846


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Guardian : Tony Abbott To Wreck Australia’s Climate

  1. Ivan says:

    Pity we have to wait until September!

  2. Michael says:

    The Guardian is the Green Gestapos bible bashing foot soldier.

    All you ever see on google news Australia are stories from the Guardian. Somebody is working overtime to keep this leftist rag spreading climate scientology, there even launching an Australia edition website. All this from a near bankrupt paper with very poor circulation figures that has reported pre-tax losses of £75m in the last financial year.

    Australians should tell the ecofascist Guardian to go fluck themselves and stick to ruining Britain, as they have done for decades.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    The “Gilluardian” should be checking with it’s own British citizens how global warming has effected Summer in Antarctica. It seems to be really, REALLY cold down there. In Summer. Who knew?

    To be honest, deforestation and land clearing (90% of forests) across Australia by us white men over 200 years has caused local effects, but Gillard taxing us into the ground over a CO2 lie and then sending the money in Billions to London (home of the Guardian) to pay for bullshit carbon credits, is an extreme fraud perpetrated on the Australian people, and needs to be repealed forthwith. Can’t wait for the election.

    And the Guardian poster, Mm Alexander White is a prat. Australia has had three La Nina years in the last five and him posting a picture from 2007 of a dried up dam is just complete crap. We will get about 1000 mm, yes 1 and 3 zeroes, of rain in the Pilbara this week from Cyclone Rusty!!! The eastern states are flooded as well, and people continue to publish rubbish like this. We’ve had huge floods for 3 years running. We had droughts before that. It’s called ENSO, Mr White, you complete burke!

    • Ivan says:

      What a crock – the picture of the dried-up Parkes dam in 2007.
      For a more recent update:
      Community concern over dam safety
      A $7 million upgrade of the Parkes shire’s main water storage is needed to ensure it can withstand major storms and floods.”
      10 July, 2012

      • Andy Oz says:

        Well Spotted Ivan. That is a beauty. Should post it on the Guardian comments section.
        : )
        But warmists don’t want facts to get in the way of their illusion. They keep saying now the rain here is abnormal and is from AGW, not La Nina. They’d like ENSO to disappear, even though understanding it has become invaluable to the Australian agricultural industry.

      • miked1947 says:

        I particularly liked: “no need to Desilt the dam! It just can not hold as much water as when built.

  4. Ivan says:

    Stream-flow into Melbourne’s water catchments – returned to normal:

  5. The lights are about to switch off in Britain. That’s what’s called years of progress on climate issues.

    • Ivan says:

      I think this should be a very positive outcome.
      Change will only come about once people have a chance to experience the consequences of their own disastrous actions. The harder thing get for them, the easier it should be for everyone else.
      Besides – the English “do” privation admirably well, as we saw during the 70s when the coal miners were trying to take over the country. This should be a walk in the park for them.

  6. Eric Barnes says:

    With that kind of “progress”, Australians will be serfs in no time.

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