Republicans, Democrats Working Together To Make Orwell’s Vision Complete

Senators in Immigration Talks Mull Federal IDs for All Workers

Key senators are exploring an immigration bill that would force every U.S. worker—citizen or not—to carry a high-tech identity card that could use fingerprints or other personal markers to prove a person’s legal eligibility to work.

The idea, signaled only in vaguely worded language from senators crafting a bipartisan immigration bill, has privacy advocates and others concerned that the law would create a national identity card that, in time, could track Americans at airports, hospitals and through other facets of their lives.

But at least five of the eight senators writing the bill have backed biometric ID cards in the past. At least three of them—Sens. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.), John McCain (R., Ariz.) and Charles Schumer (D., N.Y.)—have said they support requiring the cards under the new law but are open to other options, aides say.

Senators in Immigration Talks Mull IDs for All Workers –

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Republicans, Democrats Working Together To Make Orwell’s Vision Complete

  1. John Bogen, M.D. says:

    We can also use the card for voting.

  2. phodges says:

    These people really, really, really, hate America. Please note, it is a bipartisan agenda.


  3. tckev says:

    Why not go the whole hog and have an implant and tattoo?
    Yellow star or pink triangle?

  4. Eric Simpson says:

    Is this E-Verify? I guess not. It’s something else. Something bad.
    We do need E-Verify, though, right? An E-Verify system by which employers must check the legal status of all their hires? So the illegals go home.

  5. Mike Mellor says:

    Every other modern country in the entire world has ID, freffen seck my country South Africa which is a semi-rural country has ID, so your point is?

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