UCS Demonstrates That Global Warming Is A Farce

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ScreenHunter_184 Feb. 27 03.41

Global warming causes early spring, throwing natural and man-made systems “out of kilter” | Union of Concerned Scientists

If global warming causes an early spring, than global cooling must cause a late one.

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10-Day Temperature Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to UCS Demonstrates That Global Warming Is A Farce

  1. nuttinbutdafax says:

    i see da fax in dis. 1 cold week on 25% of 2% of the earth’s surface disproves global warming for the wholly earth. sounds good to me.

    • Are you a complete imbecile?

    • Ben says:

      RE: nuttinbutdafax – “1 cold week on 25% of 2% of the earth’s surface disproves global warming for the wholly earth. sounds good to me.”

      Perhaps you could repost on UCSUSA? Their facts seem to be chained to the same 2% of the surface that you are “sarcastigating” Steven for… which is exactly why he responded in kind. Thank you for strengthening his point by becoming part of the UCS absurdity.

      The facts
      “California, for example, has a large number of relatively small dams that store snow melt as a water resource”

      “rising temperatures combined with early snowmelt are contributing to large forest fires in areas that have infrequently experienced natural fires, and in high elevation Rocky Mountain forests”

      ” forests in these relatively wet areas of the American West rely on water from snow melt”

    • sunsettommy says:

      It is still very cold in Europe,Asia too but that goes right over your head since you are too narrowminded to see the picture.

  2. gator69 says:

    Global warming = Half of climate change.

    Springs come earlier, and later, depending on the changing of the climate. How is this news?

    “Union of Unlearned Scientists” is more like it.

  3. miked1947 says:

    How do those imbeciles know if Spring is coming sooner or later than “Normal”. Normal is a range of dates for the Meteorological start of Spring. The calender start of Spring is the day early in the year when the day and night are equal. Spring can not come any earlier than the Calendar Spring and it has little to do with weather conditions. Nature does not care what calendar day Spring conditions start on! Plants and animals can not read the calendar! The nice folks at UCS need to get their collective heads out of their posteriors so they can see the meteorological conditions are part of long term weather patterns that define climate. Climate does not define the long term weather patterns, rather it is supposed to be the study of those!
    Horse and cart come to mind!!!!

  4. Billy Liar says:

    ‘out of kilter’ – I’m glad the Union of Confused Scientists is sticking to proper scientific terminology. 🙂

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