They Picked The Wrong Year To Start Naming Snowstorms

ScreenHunter_31 Apr. 20 05.26

Weather Street:Clouds and Precipitation Forecast Movie

This is the 26th snowstorm of the year. They have run out letters to name snowstorms in 2013.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to They Picked The Wrong Year To Start Naming Snowstorms

  1. Gamecock says:

    Snowstorm AAron coming up?

    Can’t help them after that.

  2. chris y says:

    Here is an excerpt from a possible AP story I predict is being written right now-

    The trend is alarming. Just a few years ago the total number of named winter storms was astonishingly close to zero. Global warming experts stated that this dramatic trend falls well outside the ensemble of climate forecasts, because the year over year increase is much worse than they expected. Some anti-climate flat Earthers claim that winter storms may not have been previously named, but a tree stump expert countered that “this is just the sort of debate-poisoning misinformation and science denialism that receives billions of dollars from the Koch brothers, BP, Exxon and the Rockefellers.”

  3. Bradley J. Fikes says:

    Snowstorms are a thing of the past.

  4. Time to start on numbers.
    One for your money
    Two penny opera
    Three blind mice

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