Typical Obama Response – Don’t Answer The Question

DHS Explains Plans To Buy 1.6B Rounds Of Ammo: We’re Buying in Bulk to ‘Significantly Lower Costs’

DHS Explains Plans To Buy 1.6B Rounds Of Ammo: We’re Buying in Bulk to ‘Significantly Lower Costs’ | CNS News

I must have missed the ammo sale where a billion rounds sells for less than a million rounds. If they had bought a trillion rounds, they could have really saved money – but apparently five rounds for each American is enough.


ScreenHunter_01 Apr. 02 20.16

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Typical Obama Response – Don’t Answer The Question

  1. What are the national security objectives that he has set?

    • Dictatorship with no dissent.

    • Ben says:

      From page 19.

      “It is critical that we continually test and improve plans using exercises that are realistic in scenario and consequences.”

      There must be a realistic scenario or they wouldn’t have purchased 1.6 billion due-process-bypassers.

    • Andy Oz says:

      He’s invading Poland! Right after he deals with the recalcitrant UN.

      Seriously though, look for a Executive Order that destroys the 2nd amendment and then declares all Federal Buildings mandatory gun collection centers with a deadline of say August 31. With the threat of thievery, heavily armed DHS personnel will be posted at each center. Then company’s of DHS staff will go on search and seizure patrols to lightly populated areas (not Chicago, Los Angeles or New York). It will be WACO times 1000’s and all approved by the US Supreme Court. Congress and State’s rights will have been subverted and you will have a dictatorship in the US. You have one now, but Obama is only just beginning to exercise imperial law. MSM control is paramount.
      Watch the TV series of “I, Claudius” and you’ll see what will happen.

  2. Brian G Valentine says:

    Hey, puling Liberals!

    How do you explain his fascination with :”Guns”? I thought you idiots elected the “no-violence” type? What the f- is going on?

  3. Interglacial John says:

    They could have saved much more if they had stuck with their original plan, and demanded background checks for terrorists.

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