NSIDC Announces Spring At -20C

Spring has sprung in the Arctic

Spring has sprung in the Arctic | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis

ScreenHunter_02 Apr. 02 20.22

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to NSIDC Announces Spring At -20C

  1. Brian G Valentine says:

    NSIDC leaves no mention of probable undersea volcanic and geotectonic activity that disturbed ice 2005-2007 period and will not be covered up forever.

    Seymour Laxon, to whom report is dedicated for work in cryostat satellite measurements, did not look for it.

  2. omanuel says:

    It is increasingly difficult to distinguish fact from fiction in government pronouncements. E.g., . . .


    Does this news from the USDOE indicate incompetent science or competence in manipulation of public opinion?

    What a sad, sad day for science and society.

    – Oliver K. Manuel

  3. Follow up on the Daily Mail’s global warming temperature standstill:


    Alternatively you can click on the link next to it and ponder whether Hayden Panettiere had a secret boob job:


    Although I don’t know who Hayden Panettiere is or why her boobs require close scrutiny.

  4. Robertv says:

    Spring in Barcelona. My cherry tree in the garden has its first blossom.

  5. Andy Oz says:

    Australia is now in the full grip of the evil “Climate Change.”


    Combet is a union hack and MP, whose job is head spruiker for the government’s Climate Commission. He is the one who wants Australia to pay $131 per tonne of CO2 emissions in 2050 sending tens of billions of taxpayers money to London Financial district.

    Bring on the election! September 16 is only 150 days away.

    • Robertv says:

      Inflation will make $131 per tonne worthless Just hope you can still buy a bread with $131 in 2050 .

      • Andy Oz says:

        In one sense you are correct Rob, yet $75 Billion will still be an enormous sum of money to spend yearly in 2050 as is $10 Billion (@ $23 per tn) in 2013 on worthless pieces of paper with Carbon Credit written on them. You can do a lot in Australia with $10 Billion, such as run the entire state government of Western Australia for 5 months.

  6. Robertv says:

    Computer models

    Computer models indicate the middle of April could bring more settled spells of warmer spring weather, although that could change.

    Great prediction! Where can I find that job?

  7. Rosco says:

    You can just tell these guys are first class scientists because they have pictures of penguins on their Arctic sea ice page.

    Well, to be truthful the background image actually does change. I was just indulging in some typical alarmist type insulting.

  8. Rosco says:

    From Sky News – “The break in the unseasonal weather should see temperatures return to near normal – around 10-12C – although there will be spells of wind and rain.”

    Where I live that’s a cold winter.

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