10 Things The Archbishop Needs To Know About Climate Change

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to 10 Things The Archbishop Needs To Know About Climate Change

  1. Gail Combs says:

    And I used to be an Anglican Catholic… I got sick of the hypocrisy.

  2. Aard Knox says:

    Back in 1911 they knew that lifestyle (wireless!) was causing climate change in California.
    Nothing’s changed.

  3. Aard Knox says:

    And in 1929 this preacher reckoned ocean currents had something to do with it.

  4. omanuel says:

    The former Archbishop bet on the wrong horse:

    The most powerful political force on Earth has lost the debate over AGW (global warming).

    Rather than issue another report, the once prestigious Archbishop and the UN’s IPCC might better:

    Study the children’s story of Humpty Dumpty (now that the truth is out):

    “All the King’s horses and all the King’s men” (including pseudo-scientists with Nobel Prizes) “couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again.”


  5. Tel says:

    The floods in England were caused by humans, who shut down the pumping stations, and stopped dredging, thus preventing drainage.

  6. B.C. says:

    I like the original “Canterbury Tales” because they at least had a modicum of truth to them.

  7. R. Shearer says:

    I guess he never read the bible.

  8. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    Rowan Williams should read the Bible:

    Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.

    And if he looks at the climate data he will see the IPCC are lying.

  9. Gamecock says:

    “Dr Rowan Williams, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, has attacked Western lifestyles for causing climate change that is “pushing the environment towards crisis”.

    It’s the Western lifestyles he has a problem with. The rest is noise.

  10. ntesdorf says:

    Rohan Williams is an Archbishop and not a Climate Scientist. He is not speaking ex-Cathedra on this matter and so we can ignore him like all the Hollywood Actor-Alarmists. There is no warming now at all.

  11. Robert of Ottawa says:

    This scumbag man of god doesn’t even believe in god. He is scum. Oh, did I repeat myself?

  12. Andy DC says:

    Every time there is a weather event, it is OUR fault. Talk about mindless self loathing. With absolutely no basis in fact or reality.

  13. Brian Hall says:

    More excretions from the Arsebishop. What a fool he’s proven to be.

  14. Bloke down the pub says:

    ‘ Dr Williams says that the “appalling” floods and storms that devastated parts of Britain this winter were a demonstration of “what we can expect” in the future.’

    Well the good Doctor got that right. If the floods and storms this year happened without any man made global warming, then we can expect the same in the future.

  15. Another dimwit. He gives Christianity a bad name. He knows nothing about science, convection systems or climate. So shut the hell up Rowan. He is also the same idiot who wants Sharia Law in the UK and embraces the Moslem fascism at every turn. MORON

  16. Keitho says:

    I’m pretty sure floods and droughts and the like are mentioned in the Bible. Rowan needs a refresher course.

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