A Proxy For Unprecedented Global Warming Over The Last 40 Years

During the ice age scare of 1973, there was almost no Great Lakes ice on March 21

ScreenHunter_783 Mar. 21 09.15


Ice Charts – Winter 1973 / c73mar21.jpg

Since then, the planet has heated out of control and the Great Lakes now have 77% ice cover

lice-00 (10)


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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to A Proxy For Unprecedented Global Warming Over The Last 40 Years

  1. If it gets any warmer, we’ll start calling them glaciers instead of lakes.

  2. The ice is melting more slowly because it’s thinner & the temperatures are warming, just as the IPCC always said it would.

  3. Phil Jones says:

    Yes…. Yes… Silly people… The ice is thinner so it’s less susceptible to melting… Meanwhile things are heating up across the Globe causing this cold winter just as Al Gore the billionaire predicted..

  4. Send Al to the Pole says:

    It’s a travesty.

  5. Ian Billing says:

    Another acceptable, reliable proxy; penguin populations in Antarctica. According to the WWF in 2008 all them birds are gonna die: “Climate change is a growing concern for penguins that live in Antarctica—the emperor penguin and the Adelie penguin….. 75% of the Adelie penguins will likely decline or disappear if global average temperatures rise”
    Welcome to reality 2014:”New Zealand researchers have been tracking the Ross Sea population of the penguin – an indicator species for climate change. The latest results, published this month in the US science journal PLOS ONE, show the population on Ross Island has steadily increased by about 6 per cent a year since 2001.
    The researchers concluded the mean population between 1981 to 2012 was 855,625 breeding pairs. The current estimate of one million breeding pairs is up 16.9 per cent on the 30-year average.
    Landcare Research scientist Dr Phil Lyver, who collaborated on the research with Antarctica New Zealand and others, said the growth of Ross Sea colonies in the past decade was the highest it had ever been.
    Source: Ross Sea resounds to many happy feet.

  6. rw says:

    Proxy-wise it’s also five lakes as opposed to one tree.

  7. Chewer says:

    At least they didn’t have as cool a fall as they’re having down south 😉

    • Brian H says:

      Sam McGee would be forlorn and desolated: “Since I left Plumtree, in Tennessee, it’s the first time I’ve been warm,” (The real Plumtree is in SC. Same difference.)

  8. Why aren’t we having this cold anomaly in the SH , steve.? Australia.
    There are no signs of this warming trend abating in Australia. At least the media tells me so.
    No sure about the other land masses in the SH?
    When do you think Australia will see the cold fronts shift back further north in winter and when will our great snow seasons of the 1970’s return?

  9. northernont says:

    Hansen et al and their apocalyptic heat predictions popping out in unexpected places causing much mischief. http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/canadian-coast-guard-to-send-more-icebreakers-to-clear-frozen-great-lakes-1.1736966

  10. D. Self says:

    I have a feeling Lake Superior is going to be too cold for a 4th of July dip.

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