Almost No Satellite Warming Before The 1998 El Nino

The claimed divergence between Briffa’s trees and measured data is utter nonsense. Until the 1998 El Nino, satellites showed very little warming – while tampered surface data showed seven times as much warming.

ScreenHunter_219 Mar. 03 19.13

The satellite data is in line with Jones, 1998 – which showed very little warming during that period.

ScreenHunter_06 Feb. 28 01.54

The surface temperature record is so corrupted as to be completely worthless for anything other than making hockey sticks.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Almost No Satellite Warming Before The 1998 El Nino

  1. Dmh says:

    Thanks Steve for showing the facts as they are.
    The woodfortrees UAH graph
    has a lower peak at 1998 than RSS
    but otherwise they’re very similar.
    There was a “step change” at the turn of the century, manifested by the huge ENSO oscillation from 1997 to 2001, the greatest ever recorded I believe.
    We’ll probably see another step change in the opposite direction when the AMO negative phase begin.
    It will be *the end of the “hiatus”*, but not in the direction that the warmists are expecting.

  2. geran says:

    As recent temps get lower, there will be a need to readjust past temps to continue global warming.

    I guess that is why we pay taxes….

  3. Was BEST based on Raw, or Cooked? I thought they used the raw data.

  4. Brian H says:

    Treated as “outliers” and homogenized.

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