Climate Experts Say That Greenland And Antarctica Are Both Cooling

We hear an endless drumbeat about the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets melting down and drowning the planet, yet experts say that they are both cooling.


Pubs.GISS: Abstract of Shindell and Schmidt 2004

ScreenHunter_512 Mar. 13 07.14

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Climate Experts Say That Greenland And Antarctica Are Both Cooling

  1. ccglea says:

    Sorry but I’m still confused. Is this cooling cooling, warming cooling, or just cooling? My head is spinning!

  2. Cheshirered says:

    That be the very same Shindell, DT, who is making waves at present re climate sensitivity….

  3. darkobutina says:

    Steve, Please check my short report NOAA’s latest systematic ‘adjustments’ of historical Tmax/Tmin monthly data on a massive scale. Report is entitled ‘It is not the Sun, it is not CO2 but newly discovered Greenhouse element Silicon that is controlling temperatures in the Arctic’ at
    Dr Darko Butina

  4. Andy Oz says:

    That’s gold! Kudos Steven.
    I wonder if Bloomberg would print a retraction of their alarmist rubbish?

  5. You do realize that the article is ten years old, though, right?

  6. Dmh says:

    Nice find Steve, thanks! 🙂
    The pdf of Shindell & Schmidt can be found here,

    The paper though is a typical AGW one, with many citations of Hansen’s publications and the following predictions for “Future Climate” in the SH,
    … In the future, this decoupling of surface temperature trends from the SAM becomes even more widespread… [the modeled surface temperature trends over the next five decades for] the extratropical SH … show the generalized warming maximizing over land areas typical of the response to greenhouse gas increases … Projected surface temperature trends in the model are thus largely determined by changes in the Earth’s radiation balance rather than altered circulation patterns, as the latter are quite small.
    Analysis of instrumental and proxy-data suggest that such a transition out of a SAM dominated regime, perhaps to a global warming dominated one, has already occurred over mid-latitudes in New Zealand[!!] [Jones and Widmann,2003]. These simulations suggest a similar change for Antarctica, so that the cooling there may reverse due to the effects of a much weakened SAM forcing as the ozone layer recovers and the resulting emergence of the mean greenhouse gas warming pattern

    Pure “gospel”. 🙂

    I wonder what they’d be thinking now, after the successive record highs of ice extent in Antarctica last year… Will they write an “errata” to acknowledge the new trends and the failure of their previous models? …
    I don’t think so.

  7. Brian H says:

    Colder now, but a turnabout by 2050 — according to the models. Har, har, yuk, yuk, yawn, yawn.

  8. Andy Oz says:

    In the 1930’s-40’s Greenland was melting? And Swedes were growing apple trees. Doesn’t make sense when there was no Mann made warming back then according to Hansen et al.

    “On land, the melting of the ice has permitted the rearing of sheep in Greenland. There was a setback in the bitter winter of 1948-9, when (10,000 of the 25,000 sheep died.
    N IRELAND, more barley is being grown, northern species of both birds and insects are being replaced by southern species. In Northern Scandinavia, the trees are spreading rapidly above their former limits. Areas of Sweden formerly bare are being invaded by birch and willow, and in the northern province at Jamtland the Swedes are experimenting with fruit trees-apple, pear, plum, and even peach.”

    • Dmh says:

      Just 63 years ago and probably warmer than it’s now.
      They say in the article that the Sun could not have caused the warming, but they had little knowledge of the cycles back then, in comparison with what we have now.
      I’ve heard some people saying that the LIA actually ended abruptly at the beginning of the XX century, at the end of solar cycle #14, with a succession of increasingly strong solar cycles after that
      This makes sense IMO because the great increase in radiations actually happened in the XX century, not before.
      The previous centuries just kept the cold conditions achieved by the successive Sporer and Maunder grand minimums, because the cycles were not strong enough to change the climate significantly.
      We had 100 years of respite and another LIA seems to be starting…
      I believe this strongly suggests that the Holocene is about to end, although I don’t think this should be cause of alarm because, if it’s true, it will take a few centuries to happen and we have more than time enough to prepare for the new conditions.

  9. Andy Oz says:

    From 1895 – Peary’s Arctic Expeditions.
    This one is gold and reminds me of Reggie’s Arctic Rowing Team adventures of 2013.

    “The phrase “sailing in polar seas” was only another term for “stuck in arctic ice,”

  10. Andy Oz says:

    Australian scientist fears World Flood when Antarctica melts – 1929

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