Published 10:00 pm, Thursday, February 12, 2009
“Climate refugees.”
It’s a term we should get used to, researchers warned on Thursday, predicting a flood of new residents driven north by heat waves, fires and other calamitous effects of global warming.
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Yes, I believe that the influx over the next few months from Florida/Arizona will continue as the snow birds return home….
I believe Florida just overtook New York as the country’s second most populous state. Facts, they’re stubborn things.
Close, Jack. Texas is #2 in population, but your point is still valid.
Florida’s doomed. You can see the evidence not in the normal temperatures there, or in the idiots that have not been listening to us that are moving there, but in the rising real estate values. Because real estate tends to rise before a crash, and that’s just what real estate is going to do when it’s 190°F in Orlando. And Disney World will have to move to Buffalo, or worse, Canada. Or Barrow Alaska, that’s how damn hot it will be in just a few years. We’ll have to go to the moon to get relief.
Don’t pay any attention to the fact that there is no evidence that CO2 causes climate warming. We just know it’s going to be hotter than hell in just a few years; by 2019 life in most of America will be unbearably hot. Boiling hot! Snow will be a thing of the past in America, by April 2019. CUT CO2!!! NOW!!
Detroit? Isn’t this about Seattle? This excerpt from the article is great, though:
“Seattle stands to be hard-hit for several reasons:
“Our usually mild summers leave residents unaccustomed to heat, both physically and in the way they behave.
“Air conditioning is rare.
“A “heat island effect” from concrete, asphalt and other warmth-radiating materials intensifies heat.”
My son lives in Seattle in a brand new house. This winter, due to “unusual” cold, my son’s heater froze twice. He could have used a little of the heat island effect!
“Even under the best-case scenarios for global warming, the number of heat waves is expected to double by 2085. Using a middle-of-the-road warming estimate, the doubling is expected by 2025.
By 2025, Jackson’s team projected, Seattle will see an additional 101 heat deaths per year. Researchers said they consider that a conservative estimate. Currently a five-day heat wave is thought to kill 60 people in King County, she said.”
How’s that for scientifical Ju-Jitsu? The average of crap is crap, not “a conservative estimate.”
“The warming is also expected to exacerbate health problems caused by air pollution — including deaths, but also respiratory irritation that can constrict airways and cause the breakdown of cells that protect them, said Catherine Karr of the UW School of Public Health and Community Medicine.”
Ooooooo . . . break down of cells, oh my!
“Unless air pollution is controlled through less driving and cleaner fuels, deaths from ozone pollution in King County are likely to increase from 100 per year in 1997-2006 to 191 per year in 2045-2054, a team of Karr’s researchers estimated.”
Deaths from ozone pollution. Yeah. Habeas corpi. 100 per year. I bet they can’t produce a SINGLE death certificate.
It has been five years since this was published. All cited are state employees. The taxpayers of Washington were paying for this nonsense. I wonder if Karr still has a team of researchers.
Do they sell snow chains in Miami ?
Right next to the bridges…
I have snow chains for my pick-up in mid North Carolina and I have had to use them too.
I barely escaped the Triad alive a few weeks ago. We had to shut down a project early to beat the Snowpocalypse getting out of town.
“Climate refugees.” It’s a term we should get used to, researchers warned on Thursday, predicting a flood of new residents driven north by heat waves (etc)
Don’t you get a Déjà Vu feeling on this?
Kind of like that broken record feeling we get almost every week when the shameless fear mongers regurgitate another of the same old patently bullsh!t predictions of doom. We are doomed… unless we do what they say, which involves a radical reworking of society.. into the leftist mold envisioned decades ago by the eco-utopians.
“If you listen to the hysterics, you would think.. that the Statue of Liberty will shortly be under water.” -Rand Paul
“Entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of eco-refugees, threatening political chaos.” -Noel Brown, ex UNEP Director, 1989
Let’s see: no refugees, sea level is just the same, in 2014!
“[in twenty years (2008)] the West Side Highway [and thus much of Manhattan] will be under water.” -James Hansen, 1988, NASA
Um, the sea is just the same! In 2014!
“In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish.” -Paul Ehrlich, Earth Day 1970
The fish were find. There is no stench. 44 years later. What an absurd prediction, like the rest of their predictions now.
“[Inaction will cause]… by the turn of the century [2000], an ecological catastrophe which will witness devastation as complete, as irreversible as any nuclear holocaust.” -Mustafa Tolba, 1982, former Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Program
Let’s see. It’s 2014!!! No holocaust. Walk outside, and everything is just fine, just like it used to be. Except maybe colder…
“If Canada proceeds [with its oil development]… Sea levels would rise and destroy coastal cities. Global temperatures would become intolerable. Twenty to 50 percent of the planet’s species would be driven to extinction.” -Jams Hansen, 2012
Um, not going to happen!
And the flip side to all their predictions of doom, going backs decades, is that’s what they we’re told to do, by the actual leaders of the Chicken Little Brigade, decades ago! And they were also instructed to be dishonest. Openly. On the record. No minced words. No kidding. It’s shameless, and it’s amazing that the MSM doesn’t call out these unabashed fear mongers.
“Unless we announce disasters no one will listen.” -Sir John Houghton, first ipcc chairman
“It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.” -Paul Watson, Greenpeace
“I believe it is appropriate to have an over-representation of .. how dangerous it is.” -Al Gore
“We have to offer up scary scenarios… each of us has to decide the right balance between being effective and being honest.” -Stephen Schneider, lead ipcc author, 1989
“The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe.” -Daniel Botkin, ex Chair of Environmental Studies, UCSB
“We’ve got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing.” -Tim Wirth, leftist US senator, 1993
“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” -Maurice Strong, ex UNEP Director
Thanks Eric, I have seen it all many times, but the two contrasted together is very cogent.
another alarmist prediction, why don’t I believe it?
My favorite is the chimp that does a better job at predicting hurricanes than the PhD’s and their models.
It amazes me that alarmists can still make such predictions with a straight face. Oh, of course, I forgot, they don’t know how to laugh in any case and they’re just repeating the mantra. It’s scary how blinkered people are or pretend to be.
Whether there’s laws or not against it, this alarmism causing suffering and death through policy has to be criminal. When is the world going to wake up?
Yes, yes, I know it’s happening – I’m waiting for global anger to kick in, that’s all.
Miami, according to Jim Cantore of the Weather Channel, apparently just had their warmest winter on record. As we speak, caravans of climate refugees are streaming from Miami to Wisconsin and Minnesota to escape the sun and sand.
I welcome the climate refugees… and as world warms, we of the D will go savage and run around in loincloths hunting the refugees! And I will eat their flabby livers!
They won’t have a difficult time finding a home in Detroit, at least the ones that aren’t burned down.
Why would someone wanting to avoid fires and other calamities move, of all places, to Detroit?
I am a Climate Refugee!
I fled the snow shoveling (and the politics) of Taxechusetts and relocated in NC