The father of global warming said 100 years ago that CO2 will make Chicago sub-tropical.
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How’s Alaska doing now, in relation to Maine?
Never mind.. just read the next part of the article. Apparently we’re safe for another 500 years. Phew!
Three Celsius per doubling of CO2. Isn’t that right in line with what the IPCC’s best guess? — John M Reynolds
“Isn’t that right in line with what the IPCC’s best guess? “
I didn’t know he was an activist. Wow, great find.
Arrhenius later admitted that he was wrong when challenged by other scientists. One hundred years later we cab see that he was right to retract. Unfortunately the present mob is sticking to their guns in the face of all counter-evidence, as their funding is tied to continuation of their scam. If there were any genuine scientists about these days, they too could challenge the meme and topple the CAGW edifice in a few days. Unfortunately nowadays government dismisses these voices, as deniers of science, as it would run counter to their socialist tax extraction project to admit that there was no cooling and the game is over.
It will all collapse when they run out of other people’s money. With the current job situation, that is likely to happen sooner rather than later. We can speed the process by not owning or producing much of anything beyond subsistence. Our challenge is surviving the subsistence process and the chaos caused by the collapse. Unfortunately, the collapse will be followed by a much longer and much deeper dark ages than followed the collapse of the Roman Empire.
Looks like we had better stand and fight. I don’t know about you but I don’t have several thousand years of survival in me. Especially considering I am coming up on 77 years of age.
How is crime doing in frozen Chicago ?
Just imagine what could happen if temperatures go up.
At one time I had hope for mankind. This blog is eroding it swiftly. Stupidity and dishonesty are both caustic and acidic, and make a fatal mixture!
What’s often missed is that Arrhenius was a perennial optimist. He wrote at a time when the world was in a cool cycle and he hoped that burning fossil fuels would prevent another ice age.
Kurt Angstrom (no, not “the” Angstrom, but his son and a physicist, as well) argued that Arrhenius was bunk and that the absorption spectrum was already virtually saturated. Of course, Angstrom was believed and Arrhenius was dismissed as a crank, until sociologists and Arts graduates renamed themselves as “climate scientists” and exhumed the old witch-doctor.
By that time, we’d so neutered our education system that the majority had no idea what was true and what was myth.
To correct and clarify: Arrhenius was NOT dismissed as a crank in his field of physical chemistry. However, his CO2 grenhouse theory was considered “debunked” for many decades, until it was rediscovered by Hansen and his cronies.
Chicago bond rating lowered again:
“Chicago is now only three notches away from junk bond status.”–PR_294237
Note the strengths listed in the article – they have the ability to raise my taxes again.