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Global Warming Causes Severe Facial Swelling And Hideous Toupees
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Climate Change: The Musical!
“officials for the NSF confirmed they funded the play but defended the grant. “The Civilians, Inc., a Brooklyn, NY, theatre company, developed an innovative, out-of-the-box approach to exposing U.S. citizens to science,” the NSF said in a statement. “The project represents the unique cultural leverage of theater in its attempt to inspire the public’s imagination and curiosity about basic science and its relation to their everyday lives.” “
Only in America could the government find new and innovative ways to squander money.
One of those guys is wearing a raccoonskin hat, but I’m not sure which one.
Not to mention inflated egos.
Obviously causes Kerry to have zero map reading skills as well.
Thanks for your humor, Steven, the only positive contribution these two clowns make to society.
Kerry is still trying to figure out how to extract that splinter from his finger. Slight infection though which accounts for the swollen face.
..and apparently the Antarctic isn’t quite at the habitable stage as yet:
At least not in April; you know.. shortly after summer.
Who would want to be a Tanzanian?
Tanzanian fishing boat distress signal heard near Antarctica on Sunday March 30. AMSA calls off search and rescue after 2 days.
MH370 disappears on March 8th, search and rescue amped up higher and higher after 24 days.
2013, 03, 30, 5.98085,
2014, 03, 30, 6.32153,
Let’s hope it slows down a bit.
Tasmanians are restless cos their island will go under the ice just after Patagonia. 😀
They are afraid that with a shift in weather patterns (Jets going loopy due to a quiet sun) their entire country will be flooded. After all they are down hill from Africa’s largest lake. map
Of course Tasmanians and Tanzanians are not the same but ice, floods who the heck cares. The warmists will use either or both to prove GoreBull Warming.
An increase in Antarctic Sea Ice is a bit worrying. The Antarctic has a much greater effect on the Earth’s Albedo compared to the Arctic (The sea Ice is much closer to the equator. link and link) and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current is wind driven. If sea ice increases in the Drake Passage what will that do to the Humboldt Current? You can see the tongue of cold water that is the Humboldt Current in this Sea Surface Temperature map It has a good image of the tongue of cold water from the Antarctic Circumpolar Current just before Drake Passage, headed up the coast of South America to Galapagos.
F.H. Haynie, a former EPA scientist says: @ wattsupwiththat(DOT)com/2014/01/18/comments-on-the-nature-article-climate-change-the-case-of-the-missing-heat/#comment-1540259
Research on Drake Passage today: climate(DOT)gmu.edu/research/drake.php
There is a link between the changes in the sun’s EUV/UV levels that change with solar max to solar min but as much as 6% or more to creation and destruction of ozone. SEE: THE BREWER-DOBSON CIRCULATION – (wwwDOT)ccpo.odu.edu/~lizsmith/SEES/ozone/class/Chap_6/6_3.htm
They actually did field research in this study on atmospheric circulation shifts and looked at the time period in the same ball park of the above study.
The focus-group numbers on these two have got to be high in the “creepy” and “icky” indices
If audio was used, they’d be through-the-roof in the “snooze-inducing” and “grossly annoying” categories
John Kerry is a much worse scientist than Al Gore. Gore had charts and 20 foot booms. All Kerry has is a wig.
But his boss has a pen and a phone.
Don’t forget the teleprompter where the Slave in Chief reads his orders from his masters.
Two sociopaths.
And all this time I thought it was the Haldol.