Government Math

Joe D’Aleo sent this over. NCDC shows -5.5F anomaly in Connecticut as near average, but +2.6F in California as much above average.

Screen shot 2014-03-25 at 1.56.50 PM[1]

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to Government Math

  1. Jason Calley says:

    Ouch! Yes, California at +2.6 is “MUCH above average”, but Montana has an anomaly a full 10 degrees larger, at -12.6, yet it is a simple “below average”.

    Fraudsters, not scientists.

  2. Mike D says:

    They can’t even get the misinformation right. What of the -12.6 in Montana? Apparently they color the map by whatever their feelings are as they’re coloring.

  3. copernicus34 says:

    In addition to the actual numbers, the coloring scheme is quite an indicator as well.

  4. Shazaam says:

    Just like the temperature delta charts. Any minor amount in the plus is yellow to hysterical red, while below normal starts pale-green, green, blues to purple…

    I would have chosen pale green for slightly above normal and green for slightly below normal, but that scheme doesn’t alarm the sheep enough I guess.

    It’s not science anymore. Propaganda 101 is the new climatology analysis tool.

  5. rich o says:

    UN-F-ING believable. I live in Ct. And trust me it’s been MUCH below average, still is as a matter of fact.

    • Gail Combs says:


      I am in Mid North Carolina and it was below freezing this morning 31 °F (They already upped it by 1°F) and last year it was the same, 30 °F actual low with 43 °F average low and a record low: 22 °F (1940)

  6. Morgan says:

    Well, at least they aren’t lying about the actual numbers……or are they?

    Upstate NY gets -5F but I’m thinking much worse than that

    • Gail Combs says:

      Yes they lie about the numbers too. I am at a rural station (I can walk to it) and the temperature is ALWAYS raised at least 1°F and more often 2 – 4°F by the next day. Unfortunately it doesn’t stop there. Last summer had five degrees at 90 °F and above when I checked in September. I checked again a few weeks ago and now there are fifteen day 90 °F and above.

      Darn target would sit still!

      I suggest to everyone they start documenting the data. Write down the temp when you get up and see if the next day the low is the same temp or below or if it is above the number you recorded. Prove to yourself that the data tampering is going on.

  7. John S says:

    Above average = +0.6 to +3.0
    Below average = -2.3 to -12.6
    Much above average = + 2.6 to +4.8
    Much below average = -8.8 to -12.3

    Sloppy science or intended deception? Untrustworthy in either regard.

  8. policycritic says:

    This is the original NCDC map:

    Did Joe D’Aeo add the numbers? If so, where did he get them from?

    I ask because I call up the NCDC to question them.

  9. Bob Koss says:

    I live in Connecticut and on my electric bill my supplier shows the temperature difference for each billing period compared to the previous year same period. The temperature for my last three bills show this year being colder by 7F, 7F, 6F than last year.

  10. The anomalies in New England are only off by a fact of 2 or 3. So it’s typical good science.

  11. Ockham57 says:

    I live in Montana, just below the ‘minus’ sign on the map. So, when WUWT posted this, I googled the terms ‘history’ ‘wunderground’ and ‘(my town)’ . I got the Wunderground site for my closest station with daily max, min and average temperature, including the historical averages. I simply calculated the departure of each day from historical average and then averaged the values. Came out something like -11.9 departure from normal … very close to the value on the map. We also had a record low on the 6th of -34. I just cannot see how a minus 12 temperature anomaly only qualifies for the slightly below normal category. Anyway, this takes ten minutes and anybody can do it. We should make our own map.

  12. tom0mason says:

    I think they did very well!
    They’ve crayoned the colors right up to the very edges of the boundaries.
    That’s very clever of them.

  13. D. Self says:

    One of the tricks to fool your eye, Color coding. Also scaling changes on graphs – small changes can be made to look big by reducing the scale of the graph. Good thing we still have some intelligent people who can see through the BS.

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