Hansen As The Perfect Forecaster

Whatever Hansen predicts, betting on the opposite is almost always a sure thing. Like his 2006 Super El Nino which was going to burn up the planet,

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Hansen As The Perfect Forecaster

  1. I remember the fall of 2005 as being especially hot in central Texas, with 100-deg temps extending into November. 2006 or any year since doesn’t stand out to me.

    • Gail Combs says:

      For me in North Carolina it was the summer of 2004. We kept getting weather of 100 °F or more with a high relative humidity. (I got sick from the heat three times) but the records of that hot summer have all been revised downwards with six days running of 98 °F in July.

      2005 was even hotter with temps to 103°F in July and a mean of 90 °F. Last July had a max of 92 °F and a mean of 78 °F. Global Warming??? Couldn’t prove it here.

  2. GeologyJim says:

    Perhaps this is an excellent “teachable moment”, eh?

    Here you have one of the “premier climate scientists” of the realm concluding in the “peer-reviewed literature” [cue sounds of Bach fugues] that such-and-such will certainly happen – – –

    and Mom Nature gives Jimbo a climatological-proctological exam that shows he “don’t know Dick”

    Just one of thousand of examples of crap in the peer-lit trash can.

  3. Brian H says:

    Too bad. Warming would have been nice. You won’t like cooling.

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