Lifecall Needed For The Missing Heat

The waters exposed in the Weddell polynya became very cold, making them very dense, so that they sunk down to become Antarctic Bottom Water that spread throughout the global ocean”

This lid of fresh water on top of the ocean prevents mixing with the warm waters underneath. As a result, the deep ocean heat has been unable to get out and melt back the wintertime Antarctic ice pack.

Global warming felt to deepest reaches of ocean

Help! The missing heat has fallen and it can’t get back up. It is that new kind of hot which started out as cold dense water, sank to the bottom of the sea, and then became hot water which can’t get back up.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Lifecall Needed For The Missing Heat

  1. Okie says:

    The missing heated water probably has a component of tea in it, so it is really the Tea Party’s fault. Cue the witch scene from Monty Python and The Holy Grail.

  2. markstoval says:

    That ranks as the stupidest thing I have read in a while now. A physics organization is responsible for that crap? Damn.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    The “deep ocean heat” broke a hip and can’t get up?
    Sounds like a bad case of dementia.

  4. Password protected says:

    The UN simply issues weather alert buttons for all. Whenever a world citizen has a weather related emergency the button can be used to summon a crack team of the UN Climate Rescue Squad.
    I can’t see any flaw with that.

  5. Louis Hooffstetter says:

    “Their study, published in Nature Climate Change, shows that the ocean’s surface has been steadily getting less salty since the 1950s. This lid of fresh water on top of the ocean prevents mixing with the warm waters underneath. As a result, the deep ocean heat has been unable to get out and melt back the wintertime Antarctic ice pack.”

    Riiiight!! – So if this lid of fresh water has been progressively preventing mixing since the 1950s, how did all that heat get in the deep oceans in the first place? The planet was cooling from the 30’s through the 70’s, remember?

    The climate witch doctors just make up this idiotic bullshit.

  6. Eric Simpson says:

    The warmist loons can’t get it up!

  7. scott allen says:

    I am a scuba diver and a dive master. One of the things that I had to learn was Boyles law of gas and other similar effect of pressure and heat on water and gases, one of the the things taught was two things happen when you heat water (water temperature has an effect on dive tables etc.) the first is that compressed gases in the water are released this includes the gas C02 (so if the water temperature expands more C02 is released into the atmosphere) the second thing is that water expands. Since they claim that the “Ocean” is hiding the global warming would this not account for the rise in sea level and the increase in CO2. All of which is way more complex then the warmest/change merchants want to fess up to

  8. Tom Harley says:

    The fish have found the missing heat, where the oceans are found to be healthier than expected:
    Greenies to comment in 3…2…

  9. Dmh says:

    “…fresh water on top of the ocean prevents mixing with the warm waters underneath…”
    That’s *physically impossible* and it’s probably *the reason* they like the idea so much!

    • Brian H says:

      Don’t hyper-confuse yourself. Salty water is denser than fresh water, and can be warmer. But the coldest saltiest water sinks to the deepest trenches and circulates around the globe.

  10. tom0mason says:

    …and Kevin and John had banished the nasty CO2 heat to the deep dark ocean. Gavin, Dana, Stefan, and Mikey smiled as they new that they would now live very happily rich ever after.

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