Mosher Still Looking For The Mid-Troposphere Cold Spot

ScreenHunter_421 Mar. 08 10.23

March 8, 2014 at 3:59 pm

The comparison graphs are all surface data, and global warming is supposed to be amplified in the mid troposphere.  Apparently Mosher didn’t get the memo. Actual scientists might appreciate that multiple data sources (surface/radiosonde/satellite) all report the same thing.

ScreenHunter_173 Mar. 03 05.05

ScreenHunter_423 Mar. 08 10.37

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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43 Responses to Mosher Still Looking For The Mid-Troposphere Cold Spot

  1. geran says:

    Mosher wants to be the decider of who speaks against AGW and who doesn’t. He “raids” sites like this to spew his jealous, incomplete thoughts, but never stays around to take the heat of critical debate. He believes that CO2 is warming the planet, yet tries to call himself a “skeptic”. He has no science background and must rely on parroting the science of “Warmists”.

    That’s why he is one of our favorite trolls!

  2. Send Al to the Pole says:

    A lot of credible people post images of the 17 year flatline. This doesn’t mean they don’t understand the entire history. If the claim is that reduced arctic extent caused the incursion of the “Polar Vortex” into the temperate zone, one rebuttal may be the record of the past year alone, or the past few months.

    Point: The complexity of the complete answer is understood by most who come here. If you post only one argument out of 15, the intent is understood. If there is an errant generality (or even error), big deal.

    Folks like Anthony believe they must maintain decorum, treating the nutters as scientists in order to eventually turn the ship around and win the argument. But even when you gain a toehold into sanity with a cult member, they just return to the Borg and gin up their koo koo again.

    I don’t think rational discussion will ever penetrate the Borg, so screw em.

    • I pretty much agree with your last sentence. Which is why I forecast real, bloody war. The insanity is like a metastasized cancer in the body politic–prognosis terminal.

    • Gail Combs says:

      It took years to finally convince Anthony and others it is not about science. It has never been about science.

      It has always been a ‘scientific’ candy coating wrapped around tyranny to make it easier to swallow for the masses.

      ‘Socialism’ likewise is a sheepskin wrapped around serfdom to make it acceptable to the Great Unwashed.

      If the Bankers and Corporate Cartels were not 100% behind ‘Socialism’ it would not be fed to us via the news media and education system. It really is that simple.

      • Poptech says:

        Gail, Anthony is well aware of what the underlining ideological motives are but his focus has always been on having a largely scientific discussion. His strategy has been very effective.

  3. Robert Austin says:

    Steven Goddard spreading FUD? Sounds like Mosher does know that the acronym means “Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt”. Firstly, the spreading of fear is entirely on the part of the warmist brigade. Real science represents anti-fear. Secondly, first cousin to skepticism is uncertainty and doubt. What else could a skeptic exhibit? Dear old Mosher is a clever guy but he appears to have an ego problem and is not as smart as he thinks he is.

  4. Robert Austin says:

    Note to self, proof read posts. i meant to say “…Mosher does not know that the acronym means…”

  5. omanuel says:


    You can expect intense criticism and personal attacks as you get closer to revealing the BIG LIE of 1946:

    The Sun and other stars do not burn Hydrogen. They generate H by neutron-emission and neutron-decay.

    The photosphere is a cloud of waste products from the Sun’s pulsar core and is highly variable in elemental and isotopic composition.

    Forget Mosher. He is a distraction to divert you from revealing the truth.

    • geran says:

      Hey, if you keep trying to “out” the secret plan, you may see the “suits” parked outside your lemonade stand.

      Seriously, you do not want to call attention to yourself if you know about the “BIG LIE”. You need to head for the jungle, and learn survival. They will be after you.

      (If you are reading this, they are watching you!)

    • Tel says:

      If neutron emission is really such a great energy source, why aren’t China, North Korea, Iran, etc all grabbing some iron and giving it a try?

      • There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:

        According to Bismarck the “iron” Chancellor the element “iron” along with food, land, gold and manpower are the 5 necessary ingredients for a modern state. But the leaders of China, North Korea, and Iran like Bismarck also recognize that the two most important ingredients are Iron and manpower; because with enough men and iron you can take by force all the food, land, and gold that you need or want. To this end the three states mentioned are stockpiling iron to be used against us.

  6. catweazle666 says:

    “Goddard gives people who question climate science a bad name”

    Dear me Steven, I’d print that out and frame it.

    What more evidence do you need that you’re not only on the right side of the debate, but also doing an excellent job than the vituperation of Mosher?

    Poor chap, it must be very galling to watch his life’s work crumbling about his ears, and his credibility and reputation going along with it…

  7. Mark McGuire says:

    Mosher Quote: “… and you give support to people who claim all skeptics are nuts.”

    Mosher has been down to Jonestown and has been sipping the kool-aide with those ‘people’.
    They all agree. The blasphemers can’t see the portends. The ‘tipping points’.
    Best take a swig, Mr. Mosher, the end of the world is nigh!

  8. Len Holliday says:

    I’m the Lead Weather Forecaster for Firsthand Weather which does not make me an expert by any means! I’m 53 years old and have a true passion for Meteorology and the Climate as a whole. I have a B.S. Degree in Applied Mathematics and many hours of graduate work in the field of Meteorology from various Universities and have read every book I could get my hands on, in the field of weather forecasting and studied Global Cooling back in the 1970’s extensively. I just finished reading a book written by; John L. Casey called COLD SUN. If you have not read this book you need to do so, as John is on the cutting edge and I think he may be on to something. According to his peer reviewed study, we are already in the next cold climate era and I think he is 100% correct! What do you guys think? I myself posted an article called; “The Winter Of 2013-2014 in The Southeast, U.S. Will Be The Coldest in 50 to 100 Years.” Of course, many people told me that I was crazy and had lost my mind! And the main reason they thought that, I published this forecast way back in August of 2013 which was 6 months ahead of time for the period I forecast for. In that article I stated that a Bitter Arctic Outbreak from the Polar Region would invade to a position deep into the Southeast all the way down to the Gulf Coast and deep into the state of FL. on Jan. 7th of 2014! And as you would already know that was the coldest day of the Winter of 2013-2014 as I recorded a record low for the date in Belton, S.C. where the official Firsthand Weather-Weather Station is located with our second one located in Norman, OK at the University Of Oklahoma where my oldest son, Matthew Holliday CEO, of Firsthand Weather lives. At our Belton, S.C. location we recorded a record low of 4 Degrees F above zero! So now, everyone in the world thinks I am some kind of weather master that can tell everyone what their temperature for the day 6 months ahead of time will be. And of course we all know that is not going to happen as I am no weather GOD! We are now in a cycle that will cause the Jet Stream to do very crazy things during the winter months and I believe we are now in the next ‘Little Ice Age’ that will continue to put the U.S./UK/Euro for the next 50 years or so and America or no one else is ready for such an event! If I along with John L. Casey turn out to be half right, millions will die from the cold due to no food because of a very short growing season in places like Canada! One big mess! Len Holliday(Retired Stockbroker of 20 years and now Lead Weather Forecaster for! P.S. Thanks For Letting Me Share My 2 Cents Worth! LOL

    • geran says:

      Len, Buddy, paragraphs. Communication is all about “paragraphs”.


    • Latitude says:

      Len, there used to be citrus groves as far north as Virginia…

    • Dmh says:

      I believe that John L. Casey’s “Cold Sun” predictions are like the “best case scenario” for what is coming.
      This year will tell us what type of solar grand-minimum we are.
      It all depends on the “2nd peak” of radiations of solar cycle #24 that is happening now.
      A few more months and we’ll know for sure.
      BTW, to be attacked by people like Mosher is a kind of compliment in the minds of any honest truth seeker.
      When you know something is wrong in Science, you offer a rebuttal and the very logic of the arguments and the facts make your thesis the new prevalent point of view.
      If your knowledge is weak or wrong and you don’t want to expose your defeat, you attack the proponent of the better idea in the hope that people will not see your weakness.
      Steve should be proud!

    • Send Al to the Pole says:

      Casey’s concerns are valid, but reviewing on Amazon, I’d submit that the situation is more complex and potentially dire than he’s stating. I agree that celestial mechanics are key, but there are many cyclical climate patterns of varying period and amplitude. We have very little understanding of what their composite effect, directly ahead of us, will be. If you liked Casey, check out some of these posts regarding Bond Events and other cycles:

  9. Tel says:

    You know the skeptics are winning when they start to squabble with one another over who gets to hammer in the stake.

  10. Streetcred says:

    If Mosh was on fire I wouldn’t even p on him … talk about “clowns”, the bloke is a joke.

  11. Poptech says:

    I don’t take what liberal arts majors have to say about Climate Change very seriously,

    Steven Mosher, B.A. English Literature and Philosophy, Northwestern University (1981); Teaching Assistant, English Department, UCLA (1981-1985); Director of Operations Research/Foreign Military Sales & Marketing, Northrop Aircraft (1985-1990); Vice President of Engineering, Eidetics International (1990-1993); Director of Marketing, Kubota Graphics Company (1993-1994); Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Criterion Software (1994-1995); Vice President of Personal Digital Entertainment [Marketing], Creative Labs (1995-2006); Vice President of Marketing, Openmoko (2007-2009); President, Qi Hardware Inc. (2009); Marketing Consultant (2010-Present); [Marketing] Advisor, RedZu Online Dating Service (2012-2013); “Scientist” [Team Member], Berkeley Earth 501C(3) Non-Profit Organization (2013-Present)

    Please spread his CV around.

  12. David A says:

    “Goddard gives people who question climate science a bad name”

    Steve relentlessly hammers the global observations of failed CAGW predictions from the alarmist. IMV our host rarely ventures into attribution studies or controversy resolving around the climate sensitivity to doubling of CO2. He just hammers relentlessly on the failed predictions of the experts with a mocking style the alarmist richly deserve.

    Mosh spins himself into the web of, not FUD, but the FUBAR of hopeless hoax science, cloaked in a web of mathematical assumptions claiming an accuracy that an 8th grader would reasonably reject. (The surface record) I think he is a closet socialist, hoping for some form of world government.

  13. Mosher is a pompous grumpy old twit. Nobody cares what he says.

    In contrast Steve Goddaard is highly entertaining, with a great eye for what is absurd and does not take himself too seriously.

  14. Poptech,
    Thanks for Mosher’s CV. Apparently he is a job hopper. I wonder whether his grumpiness makes him difficult to work with/for.

    • Poptech says:

      Thanks, I kept posting this at WUWT every time Mosher would make some riddle-filled hit and run remark but no one seemed to read it.

      If his online persona is anything like himself in real life, I am not surprised that he changed jobs frequently. It would be maddening to try and work with someone who constantly throws out meaningless bursts of riddle-filled pseudo-philosophical rhetoric and never explain WTF he is talking about.

  15. Poptech says:

    Cross-posted at suyts site,

    Mosher is very simple to understand, as we have only one other person with his mentality in the broader skeptic community and that is Brandon Shollenberger. Brandon is known for giving Lucia Lundgren (The Blackboard) all sorts of hysterical and ridiculous IT security “advice”. Her security ramblings and “policies” have become so insane (IP Banning random innocent people) I stopped even passively checking her site. Both Brandon and Mosher believe themselves to be your intellectual and moral superiors. Only they can objectively give a non-biased opinion among all the skeptics and no matter how absurd a conclusion they come up with it is unquestionably right. Mosher being much older than Brandon suffers much more from this superiority complex and pseudo-philosophical righteousness. Delingpole mistakenly elevated Mosher to undeserved recognition during Climategate by comparing him to Watergate’s Woodward and Bernstein. Something Mosher actually believes himself to be.

    Mosher’s sole claim to fame is calling out Gleick with his fake Heartland memo. I am also fairly certain he had something to do with the fake “Richard Muller is a recovering skeptic” meme that got pushed in the NYT and took me days to deal with (it is fairly neutered now).

  16. Brian H says:

    The Musher is urinating upwind in a hurricane, and can’t figger out why he is damp, and smells.

  17. Larry Geiger says:

    Brian H.: Ouch! (Oh, and yuck, also)

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