In the Arctic, winter’s might doesn’t have much bite
Temperatures at the North Pole are -25C.
COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut
Those temperatures are colder than Minnesota has been this winter – not exactly what most people would call warm. The reason the temperatures have not been as cold as last winter, is because the cold air has been spread thinner over a larger geographic area.
Their claim that ice extent is low, is the usual nonsense. It is right at one standard deviation, i.e. normal.
COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut
But the real story is that the wind has been pushing the ice into the western Arctic, where it is getting very thick. This also causes a small, nearly meaningless reduction in Barents Sea ice extent.
Unless the Arctic experiences extreme wind conditions like during the summer of 2007, alarmists are facing another very bad summer this year.
The alarmists are happy only when everyone is miserable – including themselves. When everyone else is doing great and are feeling great, they are even more miserable. That is when they work all the harder to convince everyone else how miserable the living conditions are going to be “real soon now”. Then they demand that you send more money to protect yourself from the bad things they say are going to happen (things that go bump in the night, monsters under your bed, alien abductions, the end of the world apocalypse, and thousands of other things that have not happened in geological history).
I see they are using the meaningless 1979-200o mean, but then I guess the world ended 14 years ago when Y2K blew up in our faces.
How much of that mean value is due to 1979 and 1980, I wonder.
Tough wind conditions from the south all winter which is hurting expansion of ice but not the thickness. Instead of hurricanes this year there are a bunch of powerful wind storms in the eastern atlantic….
Every year, it gets so close together in the spring that the tiny differences are irrelevant. It has been very cold around Hudson Bay this winter, I would think it will be slow to melt this year.
Warmer is better. Unfortunately, CO2 can’t give it to us.
It should also be pointed out that these bastards are taking advantage of the great variability in January to March temperatures from year to year (and week to week), as demonstrated in the DMI records. One could call this situation a cherry-picker’s delight. This is in sharp contrast to the summer temperatures, which except for last year have almost always been nearly equal to the mean values.
Is the NSIDC ‘conveniently’ forgetting the prognostication of the ice free Arctic in 2013?
“… The reason the temperatures have not been as cold as last winter, is because the cold air has been spread thinner over a larger geographic area… ”
I agree, but why this happened? I see the Sun as the main cause of the phenomenon (relative warmth of the NP), but I still cannot formulate a mechanism…
Unfortunately, looks like another spike in temperature just happened,
I would like to understand this phenomenon better…
The comparison with 1976 still very close,