NSIDC shows their Arctic graphs on a different scale from the their Antarctic graphs. Plotted at the same scale (below) it becomes clear that the poles are not melting, and people should quit obsessing over an imaginary problem.
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The North Pole was doing a very good impression of “melting” last September Steve. Or perhaps in actual fact my imagination downloaded that image on to my hard drive whilst I was having a particularly bad nightmare?
It melts every summer. Apparently you people believe there should be a constant mass of sea ice at the poles with no change.
Satellite measurement of sea ice began at the end of a three decade cooling period. This creates a false baseline which simple minded folks use to claim “The ice is melting!!!!!!!”. The only way to return to those levels is to enter another cooling period. Now, using common sense, one must deduce that before the cooling period there was a warmer period where sea ice mass was less.
Use you head.
The North Pole is in constant sunlight from March 20 to September 20. Only a complete moron would expect it not to melt.
I expect it to melt. You are the one who wrote “the poles are not melting”, not me.
You can’t possibly be as stupid as you pretend to be.
Snow white isn’t pretending to be stupid …. it appears to come naturally to the village drag queen.
in spite of all the hype this winter about polar vortexes, arctic temps, etc…..arctic ice is reaching a high
…and of course, it’s all about melting last Sept
Snow White for a Nobel Prize! He-She-It has discovered the melting point of ice, and that it mainly occurs in Summer! What cognitive abilities. 😉
I just can’t wait for the next BGO!
Erm, given the current abysmally low standards of the Nobel committee, that one might fly….
If you want to worry about polar sea ice read my comment: http://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2014/03/16/drewski-and-berynn-think-2013-summer-ice-extent-was-lower-than-2007/#comment-327672
Why would it be a problem for life on Earth if the poles would melt ? Life loves summer.
Exactly. If they do, it will have nada to do with AGW, though. Given the Solar Schlump, it’s the least likely scenario, unfortunately.
Their next tactic: skeptics are traitors and terrorists cuz the Pentagon says so…
Hitler deemed Jews a threat. We all know what happened to them. Same tactic, different time.
That means we can now take Hansen and Mann and the rest of the crew to court along with the World Bank!
Steve has complied all the evidence of their fraud.
Answer: the opposite of the Oxymoron “Military Intelligence?”
Given Mann’s statement, he won’t mind being investigated, requiring him to fully disclose his data and methods.
Deniers will have to wear white patches symbolizing the melting arctic, give up their guns and property and move to a concen errr reeducation camp.
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