Monthly Archives: March 2014

For Progressives, 10% Is A Passing Grade

In 2008, Lewis Pugh failed to complete 90% of his kayak trip to the North Pole, and then declared success. Explorer kayaks to 1,000 km from N.Pole | Reuters

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Spectacular Hubris At NCDC

The Great Lakes are blowing away all records for springtime ice coverage, yet NOAA is claiming that many years were colder in the Great Lakes region. Either the freezing point of water has changed, or NCDC is committing fraud. GLCFS … Continue reading

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How Hot Was It?

July 14, 1936 was the hottest day in midwestern US history. The Milwaukee Journal – Google News Archive Search It was so hot, the heat killed the weather man. It was so hot, the fire chief’s thermometer caught on fire.

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Proof That The World Existed Before The 1970’s

Climate experts never seem to be able to locate any data from before 1979, but I have uncovered proof that the Earth existed as early as 1968. Disclaimer : This is not peer-reviewed

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Kook And Nutter Says This Never Happened

Science – Worrying About a New Ice Age – View Article –

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Science Down The Rabbit Hole

Tampered data is what they expect, and measured thermometer data requires a disclaimer. Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @rubiginosa @borenbears You …

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Another Smoking Gun Of Fraud At NCDC

The Great Lakes are currently covered with record ice for March, and reached the second highest coverage on record. Yet through 5 degrees of data tampering, NCDC has made Michigan’s winter only their 10th coldest. Climate at a Glance | … Continue reading

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China Had 68 Floods And Famines Between 1920 And 1936

During the kindler, gentler low CO2 years – Gaia wreaked climate chaos on the human race.     The Stanstead Journal – Google News Archive Search

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What Would Really Happen?

One of the bigger jokes in climate science now is that the missing heat is hiding at the bottom of the sea, and someday will surface again and restart global warming. But the reality is that the oceans get colder … Continue reading

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NASA Warns Of The “Relentless Rise In CO2”

Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @EarthVitalSigns This graph …

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