Monthly Archives: March 2014

Understanding Extreme Weather

March, 2012 was a very mild and pleasant month in the US, which led NOAA to call 2012 the hottest and most extreme year in US history. This March is not so nice, and after NOAA data tampering will not … Continue reading

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Climate Experts Declare The End Of Skiing

2014 among the snowiest years in Breckenridge Never mind the actual snow. These geniuses have their models. CBS Predicts Climate Change Means the End of Snow: ‘Winter Sports Could Be Doomed’ | NewsBusters

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Without Global Warming, It Would Have Been -33.68 Degrees In Michigan On Tuesday

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Major Archaeological Find In Rome

It turns out that Nero was actually playing golf, rather than fiddling.

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Government Says CO2 Will Move Illinois To South Texas

According to our nation’s top climate experts, Illinois will become just like South Padre Island If you reverse the letters, it says “this will occur right after monkeys fly out of Al Gore’s ass”

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Philadelphia Warmed Four Degrees From 1830 To 1930

Experts say that anything past two degrees warming will destroy the planet, so I am sad to report that Philadelphia was destroyed before 1930.  Soviet Is Heard From on Climate – Case of Greenland – View Article –

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78 USHCN Stations In 13 States Set Record Lows On March 3

March 3 was a very cold day in the US.  78 stations in 13 different states from Arkansas to Minnesota to Wyoming set record low temperatures. Coldest was -33F at STAMBAUGH 2SSE    Michigan. NEWPORT AR 1.04 ALEDO IL -9.94 CARLINVILLE … Continue reading

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Understanding Why Heidi Central Thinks Time Began During The 1970s

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Settled Science Update

GISS claims that Earth has warmed 0.7 degrees since 1880, but their data is diverging from RSS satellite temps at a rate of 1.0C per century. The noise is larger than the signal, which means the entire data set is … Continue reading

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Understanding The Difference Between Climate And Weather

During February, most of the Northern Hemisphere was very cold. But experts correctly pointed out that the climate was located in Sochi . During January it was located in Australia. ch_tlt_2014_02_anom_v03_3.png (730×450)

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