Monthly Archives: March 2014

Understanding Affordability

When the government passes an affordability act (like health care or insurance) it means that costs are about to skyrocket. This is the same Southern California which climate experts say is in permanent drought.

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What To Expect In The UK’s Future

In 2000, CRU said that children won’t know what snow is In 2003, they said that heatwaves are the new normal ( I was at the beach in Christchurch a couple days before the heatwave started, and froze my ass … Continue reading

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Can’t You Just Get A Normal Boyfriend, Honey?

I saw Noah this evening, and was thinking about some of Jennifer Connelley’s boyfriends in the movies. In A Beautiful Mind, Russell Crowe was a complete nutcase. In Hulk, her boyfriend grew about 14 sizes and turned into a real … Continue reading

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Advancement In Climate Modeling

From the science desk of Unscientific American Magazine Climate models haven’t been very effective, with 97% of forecasts way up on the high side. The problem is that they haven’t been correctly modeling two key parameters – Koch Brothers money, and … Continue reading

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Michael Mann Lying To The Press Again

And while we can’t say that Hurricane Sandy was literally caused by climate change, we know with some degree of confidence, that the impacts where made worse by climate change. For example, that 13-foot surge that flooded a large part … Continue reading

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Highly Confidential : For Your Eyes Only

I am applying for a patent to recharge electric cars overnight using solar cells. I expect every progressive in the country to purchase it.

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The 97% Consensus For Geocentricism Galileo was a hard core denier, and simply needed to be punished.

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Great Moments In Science

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Nazi Brownshirts Were Used To Enforce Gun Control As Early As 1933 It is much more difficult to have a holocaust, when the victims are armed.

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Progressive Acknowledges That His View Of Science Is Disconnected From Reality

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