President Obama Keeps His Promise

ScreenHunter_491 Mar. 12 19.02

Wind Industry Study: Electricity Prices Skyrocketing In Largest Wind Power States


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to President Obama Keeps His Promise

  1. Donna K. BEcker says:

    Observe his eyes. He’s being deceptive/hiding his real agenda.

  2. Teddi says:

    I hate the leftist socialist POS !

  3. Don says:

    NYC has his doppelganger, de Blasio, now nicknamed Oblasio by a reporter.

  4. slimething says:

    Anyone wonder what David Appell has been up to? SOS

    • tom0mason says:

      He’s just a very naughty boy, and as such should be ignored for being an alarmist juvenile delinquent of little worth.

  5. Dave N says:

    The AWEA and Taylor both claim their data is coming from the EIA; one of them is lying.

  6. redc1c4 says:

    you didn’t use “unexpectedly” in the article… 😉

  7. Anto says:

    Gotta love that wind. Al Gore effect in full swing in DC. Dem’s hold an all night session on global warming – cold front blacks out the Capitol. LOL!!!;_ylt=AgbiVX9jske7l6.CdTOhqrLQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTBsaGVqY3E0BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNzcg–

  8. glenncz says:

    Take a look at the output/load graph of the BPA grid in Oregon.
    What you see is that when there is wind energy, it does not decrease the thermal (mostly coal) output. Look at March 10th, 4000 MW of wind energy, and there is no decrease in use of coal. But who cares? The MWhrs are “marked” as occurring, no one cares that they are just literally wasted, not used. The politicians are getting what they want. The fantasy continues!

  9. Gamecock says:

    “Gebt mir fuenf jahre und ihr werdet America nicht wiedererkennen.”

    “Give me five years and you will not recognize America again.”

    n/t the other Adolf.

  10. tom0mason says:

    CO2 rises nearly as fast as electricity prices but what are the temperatures doing?
    Ok, Obama how are we ‘saving the planet’ when there is no AGW?
    And why should the US do the saving when China and India don’t?

  11. Andy Oz says:

    OT but I just watched the documentary on TWA 800. Not that I want to promote government conspiracy theories, but how come most major dodgy incidents happen at US election time? And most either then result in more security spending, travel restrictions or dodgy financial rescues. Travelling by air used to be fun. These days I’d rather get a stick in the eye.
    Oklahoma Bombing 1995, TWA800 – 1996
    Dotcom crash – 2000
    Iraq War – 2003/4
    GFC – 2008
    Benghazi – 2012

    • Gamecock says:

      I started flying in the early 1970s. Airports were like Greyhound bus stations. No jetways. You walked out to the plane, then climbed a set of rollaway stairs. No more security than riding a bus – i.e., none. It was far more fun back then. Exciting, even.

  12. Shazaam says:

    Well, I guess the Liar-in-Chief keeping any promise, no matter how disastrous, is newsworthy….

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