In 1997, GISS showed a strong warming trend in the Southern Hemisphere from 1880 to 1910. Now they show a strong cooling trend during that same period. All to a precision of 0.01 degrees.
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The harsh reality is just this, and nothing less:
“There isn’t one shred of evidence or even a pretense of science remaining in the global warming scam.”
Remember, only hindsight is 20/20. Of course one must keep in mind that hindsight does not mean viewing the world through your hind quarters.
This is not the end of the debate…global warming nazis will double down on their lunacy, screaming ever louder that they are right and the deniers need to be locked up. Hide and watch. Insanity knows no bounds.
I agree, Joe.
Climategate is only the only visible tip of a very deep iceberg of deceitful science that grew undetected in the lush funds of federal research agencies – despite this warning from President Eisenhower in 1961:
This March is giving the warmsters a bad name 😉
The lunacy of CAGW belief is reaching new heights. This is a falsification of the past only seen previously in the profecies of ‘1984’. Eisenhower was right: The convergence of mainstream and government fraud in the interests of the few.
Alarmists keep saying Antartica is melting. It must be “new age” physics since the centre of Antarctica never gets anywhere near 0 degrees celsius.
I did a calculation using publications from NASA, British Antarctic Survey and Australian Antarctic Survey.
NASA “models” show the Antarctic ice sheet is loses 2414 cubic km of glacial ice per year from Basal melt and calving. BAS and AAS says its gaining about 2100 cubic km of new ice from snowfall across the continent. The delta (if the melt models were in fact true) is 314 cubic km loss per annum. Personally I doubt the models veracity, based on the rest of the crap science surrounding this scam. However, based on the NASA reported study, and the volume of ice in Antarctica, it would take 89,000 years for Antarctica to melt.
Therefore I worry about Antarctica melting as much as I do about getting squashed by a whale falling from the sky on a sunny day.
Sources for said calculation:
I agree, in my view 28+ successive months of positive anomalies of the Antarctic ice is proof enough that NASA is wrong.
In fact, it shows that the ice is growing as any educated person would expect in a cooling world environment,
That’s also the cause of the present recovery of Arctic ice.
I would be put in jail for this degree of data tampering.