Galileo was a hard core denier, and simply needed to be punished.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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And here we are again today, with the skeptics obviously winning the debate but the believers having more political power.
It would be in the best interest of all concerned, especially society as a whole, if areas of agreement were identified and a compromise reached.
To initiate that, six common goals of skeptics and believers in AGW were suggested in 2011:
1. We all want world peace.
2. An end to nationalistic warfare.
3. An end to the threat of mutual nuclear annihilation.
4. Cooperative efforts to protect Earth’s environment and bounty.
5. Governments controlled by the people being governed, including
6. Transparency and veracity (truth) of information provided to the public.
How can you not be a skeptic with all the temperature manipulation going on?
You can be a true believer who swallows everything from the government without question.
After all, if you like your real temperature data, you can keep your real temperature data.
I knew Galileo, Galileo was a friend of mine. You are no Galileo.
Anyone resisting political corruption of science is following the spirit of Galileo.
Galileo was accepted by the scientific community of his day. it was religious corruption, not scientific corruption that did him in.
Really? Name some of those who were part of that “scientific community” in Galileo’s time I’d like to know since Galileo is considered by many to be the preeminent father of modern science/scientific method.
There was an intellectual community in Galileo’s day but not a “scientific community”. And that intellectual community was sponsored by and beholden to and controlled by the church just the universities they attended were under the Papacy. Galileo was very critical of much of Aristotle’s work thus not even in favor with a majority in the intellectual circles in his own community.
Copernicus was dead before Galileo was born. Only late his life, while in house arrest was any of Galileo’s work translated and published outside of his home region. And not until after his death were his complete works published so that those outside the influence of the Inquisition could study them.
I agree with your summary of Galileo’s history. Some that followed and admired his work were of the church, they just could not abide his challenging the church’s authority. There was certainly no equivalent in Galileo’s day of a denialist, “skeptic”, science dismissive community we see today. Skepticism is a natural part of being a scientist. For example, it is normal to be skeptical of the IPCC report. But before one goes and calls oneself a skeptic, would also must show some skepticism towards the “skeptic” community’s stuff once in awhile.
You’re not even a Walter Mondale.
LLoyd Bentsen
The whole truth about the Galileo Case:
Very enlightening.
March is nearly over, where is the data for February temps? Have I missed the official pronouncement that it was the 348th ( or whatever ) consecutive month above 20th century average? Or are they still jiggering the figures? LOL
need a newspaper article on plate tectonics
Don’t forget the “stress causes ulcers” consensus.
That was my favorite because it just happen
Glad to see nuta-matayaya is still trolling. Always good for a laugh.
You really don’t know much about the Galileo controversy do you?
Any reason why my comment is still in moderation?
People are discussing the Galileo case here, and the link I provided points to the most comprehensive, scholarly (and funny!) discussion of the case available in the Internet, I think
Well, he’s denying promoting his theory. He’s not denying geocentrism. Actually, it seems like he was lying.